Here's a quick recap of the last three years:
- I have twins... nope, I have triplets
- Crazy pregnancy
- Crazy delivery story
- Crazy month in the NICU
- Crazy 1st year
- Crazy 2nd year
- Crazy 3rd year
In summary, babies are hard, toddlers are harder and pre-schoolers... who knows? For every parenting decision you make, there is someone out there who would have made a different one, who is judging you and who thinks they could do it better. For every parenting decision you make, there may have been a better choice, one that won't scar your children for life. For every parenting decision you make, there is someone who says "huh! Why didn't I think of that? Maybe it'll work for me!". I will tell you this... if every parenting decision you make is made out of love and keeping your sanity so that you don't make a worse parenting decision later, then you're doing awesome. If you think you're the only one who yells and screams and loses their patience, you're wrong. If you think you're the only mother in the world who sometimes wonders what life would be like if she were not a mother, you're wrong. If you think you've completely failed at parenting when you child slaps you across the face and all you want to do is slap them right back, you're wrong. If you think you've failed at parenting when you listen to your friend talk about how she never looses patience with her children, you're wrong. Do you love your children? Are you doing the best you can? Then you're doing pretty great. Trust me, I've seen too many messed up children in my life to worry that my children won't make it through.
If you're kind to your children 90% of the time, you're an awesome mom! At least that's what I tell myself lol!
Well my friends, all good things must come to an end and this is one of them. I've had so much fun writing them all but my heart is telling me that I've told my stories and I've shared enough and now it's time for it to end. If you really want to keep up with our life, feel free to follow me on Facebook (MC LeBlanc).
Have a great one my friends and thanks again for everything!