My poor little Zachary has a hard time going to bed lately... this is the reason why my blog post is so late this week. He was in my arms for about 3 hours just not being able to settle. It's really hard watching your son struggle so much and you just have NO IDEA what's wrong. He was off all day. Well, it started yesterday really after we messed up his routine and brought him to a party... Here we were thinking we were being cool parents. I guess cool parents shouldn't f*** around with routine because those cool parents are going to become exhausted parents who regret trying to be cool at all! He cries through whole feedings sometimes! I thought that he may just not like the formula, but he's not rejecting it at all, in fact, lately he hasn't spit up much at all. He also did two feedings without any complaint... He has pooped, but I think he might still be cramping... Anyways, I'm just at a loss and right now my poor little guy is sleeping in a swing which I really don't like but if he's sleeping, I'm not touching him! Hopefully he'll sleep tonight. He slept last night all night after crying all afternoon/evening so I'm crossing my fingers that after tonight's 10pm feeding, he'll go back to his crib and become the beautiful sleeping boy I know and love. We haven't had a rough night in a while so maybe we're due for one... womp womp... Thankfully Samuel and Jacob go down without much fuss at all and Zachary's cries don't seem to bother them that much. I can deal with one baby needing momma's arms but three would do me in! Not that I don't love cuddles, but it doesn't do anyone any good for him to sleep on me all the time and I really hope it's not a habit that he's going to want to keep...
They are also liking their cribs less and less during the day for naps and for that I blame myself as I wasn't mentally strong enough to enforce it when all I wanted was to nap myself. I just let them sleep where they seem to want to... once in a while I'll get them in there, but it's become a rare thing. Hopefully when they start sleeping through a full night (like 7 to 7ish), and they have regular nap schedules, I'll have enough energy to get them in their cribs for their naps too. At least they sleep at night in there!
The weather finally started turning for the better on Wednesday (although apparently there's a huge storm on the way this week!) and I got to go for a walk! It was really nice to get out and the boys love walks! I went again on Friday with my friend Jessie. It was awesome to catch up and have some adult conversation.
We went to my family doctor on Monday, thankfully, my mother in law came with me to help. My doctor seems to always be M.I.A. (I haven't seen her since before we even got pregnant) so I saw her nurse practitioner. She weighed the boys and did some various checks and asked me a bunch of questions about their development. She's very impressed with where they're at. Zachary and Samuel, as far as their weight goes, are actually on the 4 month curve!! Jacob is still on his corrected 2 month curve, but he's catching up! As far as their development goes, they're pretty much on par with what normal 2 month olds are supposed to do. She's not surprised as it can take a while for them to catch up. They are doing what they're meant to do at this point and she's not worried at all. After talking to her, we decided to wait before we switched fully to powder formula. She said that it can take up to 2 weeks for babies to adjust to a new formula and my boys just weren't loving it. I swear all three were crying during their feeds when we switched to powder... it really sucks because we have a whole bunch of free samples. Oh well, she said to try again in a month, they may be more ready then and the transition may not take as long. Our samples don't expire until October at the earliest anyway, so we've got time! If I had one baby, I may have been able to hack the transition but with Zachary already having a rough go at things lately, I don't think I could have handled having three babies crying through feeds for a week or two!!
So Gabe dropped Jacob this week... on the couch!! Thankfully!!! He tripped no only over a floor mat, but when he thought he had recovered, he then tripped over the dog and not wanting to fall on the baby, he kind of had to throw Jacob (like a 1/2 foot drop, not a big deal!) on the couch in front of him. Jacob LOST IT poor little guy. He just got scared. All I heard was "Aaaahhhh.... OH SHIT!" and then I look over and just see Jacob being dropped on the couch and bouncing a time or two and then his little face just got so sad... his and Gabe's faces were the worst!
I witnessed my first soft serve poop while changing Zachary's diaper... I know, gross right? I totally thought he was done pooping but when I went to change him, he was NOT done. It was weirdly and grossly mesmerizing... haha.
So the party we went to was for little Isaac (my friends Sarah and Chris's little guy) who turned one. It was the boys' first party and we really wanted to be there. Of course, the moment we walked in, it was "Oh my God, here are the triplets!!" and "TRIPLETS?!?" and so on and so forth. The usual questions were asked, but everyone was so nice and so accepting. I'm glad we had people who were willing to hold one of the boys because I didn't think of the logistics before going... I felt super bad for leaving them on my friends, thinking they'd get annoyed that I just pawned them off and left them there. I tried to do the best I could but it was tough. We're going to need to think of a better solution next time because I guess I can't just assume that people will just willingly take a baby off my hands. They are MY babies after all and my friends have their own children to worry about. I think it'll be a little easier once I can put them down and they can crawl around, but then I'll just be looking for them all time everywhere, but at least it'll be mine (and Gabe's) responsibility and I won't just expect other people to help. I'm not saying my friends weren't willing to help, they were, but like I said, they're MY responsibility!! They were so good during the whole party, all quiet and cute and all. We stayed too long and the boys didn't get their midday nap and that's ultimately what set off Armageddon in our living room that afternoon. They were so tired that they didn't even want to eat their supper time formula. I put Zach straight to bed without burping him as he was passed OUT after his bottle that I almost had to force feed him (I didn't even change him or put pants on him), he just needed to sleep poor little man! I normally don't let them fall asleep on the bottle and if they do, I wait a while before putting them to bed, but last night was an exception. At one point I looked at my poor exasperated husband and told him that we would make it, it was only one day and once they were sleeping, all would be good with the world again. When we fed them at 10pm, our loving boys were back, smiles and all, and it made it all better. They could have been screaming bloody murder for hours on end and we see one of their smiles and it just melts our hearts and makes us forget all the badness. This is what makes it all worth it. Today was a little better. My in-laws were here to help this morning and my sister and her family were here for lunch and afternoon. My sister and my nieces looked after the boys while Gabe and I went to get a few groceries. It was nice to be out and about just the two of us, even if it was only for 30 minutes. We ran into our friend Ray who asked us where the kids were. I always want to say something like "Oh shit! The kids!" or "We left them in the van, they were sleeping..." just to see their reaction... haha. Like, we forgot our diaper bag at the party and when Sarah texted me to let me know, I texted back "Well, at least it wasn't a kid!".
I lost 2 lbs this week, it was a tough week, I cut way back on cheese and margarine, my nemeses. You'd think for someone who needs to lose 70lbs+ to be in her BMI, the pounds would melt right off but nooooo... my body hates me. I could write a book on weight loss so trust me, I know what to do and I'm doing all I need to do kitchen wise so boo to you body! I know I know, give it more than a week... blah blah shut up Lol Also, I know that 2 lbs is a nice loss and a loss I should aim for weekly but I expected more from my first real week. Oh well, every little bit counts! It's not like I'll have other babies, so I have time :-).
Here are some pics of the week :)
Doesn't Jacob look huge?? |
Since Monday was St-Patrick's day, I decided to make the boys some shirt using onesies I was about to give away because they were getting too small. |
Jacob Patrick... his middle name came from my Irish descendant who was the first to come over from Ireland. |
See? He sleep where he wants to... |
Loves looking in mirrors!!! |
I think this is my favorite "out-take"... It could totally be a "Caption this" picture. I say it looks like Samuel farted and the other two are laughing at him. Jacob is even trying to cover up the smell! |
Yo yo yo |
Samuel photobombing |
Mommy!!! I'm falling!!!!!! |
I'm in LOVE with this picture |
All the things they do at 4 months (2 months corrected). That was the best take! |
Jacob was warm today and he wanted to sleep like this. |
Thanks for all your continued love and support!! xox
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