So we spent some time with Arthur today (my little nephew) and it made me realize how quickly time passes. He'll be one month on Friday already! Not only that, but he's only 6 months younger than my boys. Right now, in the baby phase, 6 months seems like a lot because the differences between Arthur and the boys is impressive. He's still just a wee little thing who still mostly sleeps between all his feeds. The boys are already moving around, grabbing at object knowing exactly what they want to grab. When they get older, their 6 months difference will have little meaning as they'll run around my parents' yard and you wouldn't even know there was any age difference between them. I now have a hard time remembering the time when they were a month old (they were just leaving the NICU and still so little) so when I picked up Arthur today, so many memories came flooding back... I remember them snuggling on me all tucked in and sleeping there for hours, now I'm lucky if they cuddle for an hour tops. I miss my long cuddles... Jacob slept on me today for about an hour and then snuggled for about another 1/2 hour, it was great. I guess I will always miss every phase. When they start crawling around, I'll probably miss this phase, the phase where I don't have to worry about them getting into places they shouldn't be getting into, like getting stuck in the legs of the chair under the table (I can imagine Jacob doing just that!). They are already figuring out how to move around (except for my chill guy Zachary). Jacob can get from one play mat to another with some imaginative wiggling to get to the toys he really wants. Samuel is "crawling" on his back... He pushes his tummy out and pushes himself backwards. They're getting so smart! Soon, they'll be running all over the house! I won't need a diet plan, just running after them all day will be enough exercise!! All that to say that time goes by sooooooo quickly I find when they're babies, and maybe it always goes that fast... The boys will be 7 months next Saturday... that's just crazy! One year ago, I was just finding out that I had three babies in my belly...
Since today is Father's Day, I have to give a shout out to my husband. In the last year, he's often been my rock. If you followed my pregnancy, you know how difficult of a journey that was, and Gabe had to pick up the slack as I couldn't do much of anything. So by taking care of me, he was already being a great daddy to the boys. When they were in the NICU at the beginning, often times, I wasn't strong enough alone and again, he had to (sometimes literally) hold me up. Many of you have called me super momma, but the boys truly have a super dad. He gets home from work, drops everything and right away his focus is 100% on the babies until they go to bed. Their faces light up when he walks in the door (including mine but for different reasons... I'm just exhausted and thankful that help is here!) and he always knows how to make them laugh. The best is seeing them interact with one another as his face lights up as he sees them as well. He'll be a great role model and their first hero. I'm glad I chose him as a husband because it means that my children get to have him as a dad. Love you babe... (and so do our boys... even if they can't tell you yet!)

I also have to remember my dad and how much he would have loved his boys... Miss you Papa...
And lastly, I have to give a shout out to my step-dad who has shown me the real meaning of work ethic. That man is truly relentless. He has always loved us as much as if we were his own (to him, we are) and he's always good for a laugh. He's been a real role model for me and I know that he will be a great Papi to my boys. He loves them so much already. Love you Wink!

I'm sure you all saw the wonderful rainbows that were out this week the day after the funeral for the fallen. I wanted to take a moment to celebrate the amazing things that happened this week because no matter how black a time can be, a rainbow will always find a way to shine through, if you look for it hard enough. I know for the friends and families of the fallen, it'll be a long time before they can see beyond the hurt but I hope that one day they'll be able to see the good in the world again. Our city has proven how strong it can be after a fall... There was a saying we used when I was in cadets: "Divided we fall, together we stand" that really resonated with me this week. Just today, there was about a 7 000 people turn out for a 3km run for the three fallen officers. This city continues to amaze me!
I'd like to share a few rainbows of my week...
I got to go for a wonderful walk with my amazing friend Véronique and her 11 month old son Sébastien. We gave each other a very long hug as the events of last week were still fresh and you never know when you may not see the people you love again. I also got to see another one of my very best friends who I got to congratulate on getting HER PH.D IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY!!!!!!!!!!! Ainslie has worked so hard for so long to get to where she's at and I gotta say, she's a rock star! She killed her defense (as we all knew she would) and she can now officially call herself a doctor!!!! I'm so effing proud of you Ains!! xox My longtime best friend Lizette and her wife welcomed their second child on Friday (a boy this time) and I can't wait to be able to see him. Of course, having three babies myself, it's always hard to get to places... so hopefully I'll see him before he's all grown up! We went to see my nieces in a movie they made with their daycare, they were freaking adorable. My mom very narrowly missed being smashed into by a distracted driver who cut her off going 110 km/h (phew!). Gabe, the boys and I spent about 45 minutes rocking on my new swing just chilling. The boys just love it; Samuel even fell asleep while Jacob was laying on him. We put the swing on our front porch so when it's nice out before their supper time (their fussiest time), we bring them outside and it seems to instantly calm them (it always calmed me, maybe they take that from me...). We may have found a daycare that we can afford!! We are going to visit on Tuesday so I hope it'll work out. And of course, I got to spend loads of time with my family and even got to hold little Arthur. It's always easy to focus on the negative but it's so much better to try to find the positive in your life. I hope you can find your own rainbows this week...

The boys got their 6 month shots this week and Jacob took it like a pro! He only cried when she stuck the third needle in. It was like he was saying: "Ok lady, you stuck me once ok, you stuck me twice ok but a THIRD TIME?? WTF?!? ". Samuel and Zachary weren't as tough as Jacob but once they were soothed that was it. I'm glad that they haven't felt any side effects from any of their shots yet (fingers crossed). They are still enjoying all the solids I've given them (even yucky peas!). I started giving them bananas with their cereal this morning and it was the first time they finished the whole bowl. YEAH FRUITS!! My sister helped me prepare apples and bananas on Saturday when she came to help take care of the babies (not that she minds, my sister is head over heels in love... who wouldn't be really?). Gabe had a bachelor party (I get to go to the bachelorette next Saturday!!) and I refuse to be alone during the weekends (it's my break) but thankfully my family (or Gabe's) is always ready and willing to help out. The boys are taking their turns having a hard time with sleep recently. Tonight, I had to take a break from writing this to soothe Zachary who had been screeching (that's his new thing) in his crib. It took me quite a long time.. I hope there's nothing wrong. Maybe he's not taking well to the new veggie (parsnip) I gave him for supper... Most nights Jacob wakes up between 3 and 4:30 and won't self soothe so I have to get up and soothe him. It normally doesn't take me more than 10 minutes but it also means that I'm fully awake by that point and I can't fall back asleep right away. Samuel also had a few nights where he woke up needing me to soothe him. The nurse told me this would happen... She said they'd start waking up in the middle of the night looking for me. I mean, I love that they love me enough to wake up screaming for me, but I hope they get over it soon. I mean, they get to be with me all day everyday, we don't need to be together all night too boys!! haha... I hope they give me a good night's sleep tonight as tomorrow is Monday and I'm very often alone on Mondays and to get through a day with 7 month old triplet boys, I need all the sleep I can get which is why I'm saying good night to y'all with PICS!!!
The swing they love so much! |
Jacob really likes to sleep on his tummy so he tried really hard to flip on his tummy in the swing... poor little soul fell asleep like this; it can't be good for his neck!! |
Baby wrestling on the couch! Zachary is about to put his leg around Samuel's neck... it got crazy from there! Maybe the couch isn't the most appropriate place... let's move this to the floor boys! |
Jacob wanted to get in on the action |
He's going for it! |
Gorgeous Samuel |
Beautiful Zachary |
Boys interacting... I LOVE THIS |
Jacob's favorite new chew toy... |
Samuel taking a nap with Uncle Eric |
Crazy uncle Jeff came down from Charlottetown to visit |
Samuel is not quite sure what to make of him... he'll love him in no time!! |
As always my friends...
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