In the weeks leading up to the discovery of my babies' gender, I was really hoping for a mix of both boy and girl. I was secretly hoping for two boys and one girl as I had always said I was going to have two boys and the girl would have just been my cherry on top. I was imagining this amazing mother daughter relationship where we would be close as two people could be and we would be a team against the three boys in our family. As the doctor was giving me the news, my heart was palpitating as she announced the first baby to be a boy, then the second baby was also a boy and this is where I got really excited about what I thought for sure was going to be my baby girl, baby C who was closest to my heart. Well you all know how that turned out! I have to say that I thought I would be disappointed at the news but aside a slight tug at my heart, there was only joy. My baby C is Jacob and I couldn't imagine my life without my little clown. My three boys are my whole world and I wouldn't trade any girl for any of them. I was talking to my friend Kristy the other day, who has two little boys of her own, about what it'll be like having boys and I spent a lot of time that evening thinking about what it would all mean... I thought about the joys and the fears I have as I envision my life being the mother of all boys. Here are a few (or a lot) of my thoughts that night.
- I will have three momma's boys who will always want to protect their momma, no matter what. As much as my husband's family isn't as lovey dovey as mine, he loves his mother and he's still a momma's boy. I think all men (who were raised by good mothers) will always have a special place in their heart for their mother and will always have the primal instinct to defend her honor, and even more as they grow older.
- I will get to play with cool toys! Although I played in mud as girl, and as much as I realize that I'm totally stereotyping, I think boys are more fearless and will want to get rough and dirty and I'm going to love playing with them.
- Getting out of the house should be much easier! No barrettes, hair ties, no tights!! Nor much drama over the right shoes to wear but I'm betting they won't give a rat's ass about what they're wearing.
- Haircuts will be much cheaper! Free if I figure out how to do a good job with clippers.
- PROM!! Man that'll be a breeze!! Match the tie, rent the tux, hand over a condom, away you go!
- I'll hopefully have three mother son dances at weddings. I never got to have my father daughter dance so I hope to be able to give that to my sons before they go off with the witch who will replace me... I mean... the very nice person they will chose to spend their lives with...
- Women have forged a great path since the barefoot and pregnant-stay-at-home-what-will-you-want-for-dinner-shall-I-pour-you-a-drink-honey days but I know that women still struggle more with life in general. I will worry less about them being taken advantage of. Bullies will be bullies and yes, they may see more physical violence, but I'm almost reassured by the fact that they will be boys and will hopefully will be spared of all the sexism and sexual abuse that is sadly still so prevalent for women.
- I hope to have three handymen at the ready when Gabe isn't capable of doing much of anything anymore. My secret wish is for them to become a plumber, a carpenter & an electrical team. (GO community college!!!!)
- They will be forever friends, never to be alone... that warms my heart... knowing that when I'm gone, they will still have one another. BFFFL!!!
- I will get to raise men who will know how to treat their peers (and partners) just right. The world could use three more right?
I'm sure there are many more joys that I will only get to know once I live this life but those are just off the top of my head.
- I won't have anyone to watch my girly TV with (Bachelor, Big Brother, Say Yes to the Dress, etc...)
- Once they are teenagers, they will stop talking to me and pretend I don't exist.
- I will become the "mother-in-law" and this Random Girl (or boy) who my son chooses as a partner will forever try to cut through the bond I have with my son. Even though I know they'll propose to me as toddlers and promise me they'll want to live with me forever, I'll know them to be liars and they'll leave me and often take her side over mine. I will be bitter (as I am a bitter person) and she may hate me and that will make me the dreaded mother in law.
- Following my last point, if I'm lucky enough to be a grand-mother, I won't be the primary one (unless Random Girl had a useless mother and I become her adopted mother... should I hope for that?!?). We all know that girls will almost always run to their mothers for motherly advice and the mother in law is second fiddle. Well she has another thing coming if she thinks I'm only going to see my grandkids every other weekend! I love the fact that my in-laws are here almost every day. I know that it's because we need more help but I love that the boys will be super close to not only my family but also my husband's. However, we all know that I'm a very nice person and Random Girl will love me so I shouldn't worry.
- Random Girl will live far away and since girl always wins, she will take my baby boy far and I will never see him again except on the new ultra cool iHologram device that'll let me at least be virtually in the same room with him.
- He will be fearless and make a poor life choice and I will lose him sooner than I should... Trying to be cool is not always cool alright??
- 3 boys = Broken bones = way too many hours waiting in an E.R.
- Bullies
- I will be left out of all wedding planning... no dress shopping (you all know I love my wedding dresses), I shall only be told where to be and when...
Again, I know I'll want to add to this list as life goes on but those are just off the top of my head.
As I look at them now, playing in their exersausers, smiling at me like I'm the best thing in the world, I know that even through the joys and fears, they will be forever mine and I know that I will love them as much in 50 years as I do today. Together we will cry, we will laugh, we will yell, we will be angry, we will be worried, we will forgive but in the end we will be a family and will always come together and know that no one else in the world loves them as much as their momma... even Random Girl won't hold a candle to this love.
This week in review... Just as Zachary and Samuel were finally getting better, Jacob starts a fever. Poor little dude got it worse than his brothers. He had sores all over and his throat hurt so much he could hardly eat/drink anything. He had a really bad night on Tuesday, waking up almost every 15 minutes, until I took him with me and rocked him until he was good and knocked out on sleep and Advil. I hate giving medication but sometimes it's a life saver! Even through his illness, my little buddy decided that it was time to learn to sit on his own and crawl on all fours!! He's going to be walking next week at that rate!! Samuel is on his bum quite a lot but he can't do it on his own yet. He's also getting closer and closer to crawling but he's not quite there. He'll be on all fours, bring his feet under him and fall forward on his face... it moves him forward but it's not really the best way! haha! Zachary hates sitting! He constantly fights me! He can do it, he'll sit up when he's distracted by a toy he likes but the moment he realizes that he's sitting, he makes himself fall backwards! He's rolling all over the place and spinning right and left but no go on the all fours or crawling yet!
All three boys, on top of being sick, have been piercing teeth. Zachary is painfully working on two top ones and Sam & Jacob both have one poking out on the bottom and working on another. So it didn't add pleasantness to my week... It's a good thing they're cute as heck!
My facebook triplet mommas helped me discover a new wonder. It's called Baby Babble and it's something you'd need to be high to enjoy as an adult but the boys are mesmerized! If you're either currently high or just curious, check it out:
Babby Babble. I put them in their exersaucers, put it on, go have lunch and I don't hear a peep! They like it better than Mickey Mouse Club House!!!
We didn't go out of the house at all this week because of Jacob feeling under the weather. I did manage to go out for a few walks which was probably beneficial to both them and I. This week I realized again how lucky we are to be surrounded by family. My mother was here all week except for Friday (she was in her club golf tourney where she finished second!! GO MOM!!!) and my in-laws were here every night. I know I sometimes take my family for granted but I hope I can one day repay them for all the help they've been to Gabe and I.
So Friday was the only day of the week that my mother wasn't here and it's like the babies knew... This is a preview of what my morning was like...

Of course, I didn't take pictures of the rest of the poop fiasco but it was everywhere! I was giving Samuel his morning sponge bath and I turn around just to check on the babies and said to myself: "That's a weird color spit up Jacob is playing with...OH SHIT! That's poop!!!" It was spread out all around him, on his hands (probably in his mouth), on his toys... So I quickly put a diaper on Samuel, put him down on the ground and start cleaning poopy pants up. As I was cleaning him, Samuel decided to spit up all over the playmat. I had to let him swim in his sea of spit up milk as I was cleaning up this little dude. Once I was finished with him and rescued Sam from drowning, I went over to get Zachary and low and behold, he was also covered in poo and so was my wall... man oh man! Thankfully it was nap time after so I was able to disinfect floor, toys and wall... oh and ME!
First, here's a few of the boys while they were sick... :-(
You can see the sores on his chin, mouth, nose... |
Here you can see the blisters on his feet... |
and the little sores all over his legs. |
This was Sam's poor little face... he had the same sores on his legs. Zachary didn't get the sores that bad... |
Zach and Papa catching a small snooze |
Jacob NEVER cuddles.... except when he's sick. Is it bad that I love those times?? |
Love cuddle time! |
Here are some shots of our new awesome triple wagon! We'll get to use it once the boys can sit up on their own better (about a month)... Next summer will be fun!!
Boys trying it out |
Gabe hard at work building it |
Large cargo bag in the back |
All closed up nice and tight |
With the canopy! How cool is this thing?? |
"Ussie" with Jacob... This is how I walk the boys pretty much everyday. Jacob on me in the BabyBjorn (as he's the smallest) |
And the other boys in the double stroller. Look at them just chillin' with their feet up! Cutie pies! |
New baby jail as Jacob is so quick!! Sam won't be far behind I'm sure! |
I was looking for these toys all morning until Gab tells me his dad put them on the exersaucer... oops! |
This is how I feed the boys now. The chairs were getting too cumbersome and I kept tripping on them. They like it better anyway because they can roll around after and even burp themselves every once in a while so win win! |
Too cute!!!! |
One handed is how I roll |
I think the ball is slightly too large for them... |
Jacob says: "Challenge Accepted!" |
Both my boys sitting up! So cool to see them play like this! Jacob can sit on his own, Samuel is not quite there yet and Zachary keeps fighting me on the whole sitting thing! |
I think he will be a model because the moment he sees the camera, he gets this huge smile on his face! |
Watching Handy Manny... .this was pre-babble days! |
The wonderful couple (friends of my parents) who went to the states and brought us back the wagon!! It's not available in Canada :(
Trying to get him to play with the abacus but I'm not sure he's too much into it until he discovered it made noise when he bam-bamed it. |
This has quickly become their new favorite toy! |
Jacob crawling all over the place |
Loving listening to Papa play guitar! Samuel was even rocking back and forth while he was playing. We choose to believe he was dancing. |
For my boys...
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