"I couldn't find my 8 month old son for what seemed like forever (it must have been only about 5 minutes). We searched the house high and low and finally found him under the couch. He had rolled under there and we never thought to look there"
"I say I have to poop and get the hubby to watch the kids and I often just have to pee and end up checking Facebook while I chill on the toilet"
"I pretty much never shower every day. Last week I went 4 days and I worked 2 of them. I just restraighten my hair, redo makeup and I'm good to go!"
"I totally went 2 days with spit up in my hair a few weeks ago! I just brushed it out."
"My daughter spit up earlier on our bed, I put a towel over it and went back to sleep."
"I'll leave my girls in their cribs after their nap so that I can finish watching the show I was watching"
"I'll tell people my babies are having a hard day when I just don't want company"
"At a family party I was sitting on the floor. I could see baby B and C but not A. Slowly I started getting a little concerned and still couldn't see him. I asked my husband and he gave me a funny look. Then my cousin asked if I was looking for the one on my lap...lol"
"There are days when my kids don't get out of their jammies till right before my husband comes home"
"Sometimes I tell my husband it has been a rough day so he'll bring home take out even though they've been angels"
"Sometimes I'll bribe the babies with Graham crackers so I can talk on the phone"
"My babies often have crappy snacks (such as mum-mums) because it's too much effort to put them in their high chairs and give them a nutritional one"
"I've bought the baby potties. I've bought the trainer pants and still every time my husband and I talk about potty training we kick it another week down the road"
"Sometimes I make my babies wait an extra minute for their bottle so I can pour myself a glass of wine"
"I also do the whole wine thing but in the mornings I also almost always only start giving bottles when my coffee is also ready!"
"I only change my babies' clothes every 4 days on bath night unless they spit up a lot or pee/poo on it"
"If we have company or even if I'm at someone else's house and my kids drop food on the floor and someone else sees I stop my kids from getting to it and pick it up and find a trashcan. If no one is looking I let them eat it and pretend not to notice. If someone sees while I'm pretending not to and they try and get my attention I act completely disgusted"
"I do the above so often that I call it "floor nutrition". I leave the patio sweeping until last during cleanup so they can eat a few more veggies. They love them more when it's off the floor"
"My daughter spilled her water in a puddle on the hardwood so I set my son down on top of it like a human sponge. He didn't mind but he did roam around with a big wet spot on his butt for quite awhile."
"I took the minivan to get an oil change. By myself, sexy alone time, I know. Anyway, I also said yes to changing the transmission fluid as well cause it would take an hour :) "
"I let him play in the dog water bowl"
Pretty funny right?
I still beat myself up about a lot of the things I do. We had a friends Christmas gathering yesterday and there was a friend there with a child just about the boys' age. I asked her how she was at pointing and understanding and she told me that her daughter could point and understood pretty much everything they said. She said that her daughter could get the toys she asked for like "Get your pink frog". My boys don't point, they can't get toys I ask for and they certainly don't understand everything we say. I've been stressing about them not being able to point since I got my weekly developmental email that said my boys should have been able to point for some time now. They also should be able to identify different parts of their face and bodies and point when I name them. I say "touch my nose", they just laugh and stick their fingers in my mouth. I know I'm over stressing about things that don't really matter but I start to wonder when it will start to matter. When does comprehension start to really matter? They understand when I say "Let's go eat" and "Come see Maman" but not much else. But maybe they do and I don't know? All I know is that I know they'll be fine but I'm always going to worry nonetheless. We, as mothers, strive to be the best and sometimes that's just not possible. Sometimes we won't shower for days, sometimes we'll quickly clean up spit up that just got all over us and go about our day and sometimes we'll even lie to get just a little bit of a break. (Now my husband will always wonder if I'm lying won't he? haha) We get so tired of doing the same thing day in and day out and never really get a break from it that yes sometimes we'll drop the ball. We are all supermoms, even with spit up in our hair, even when we think we're letting our kids cry in their cribs for an extra few minutes so we can finish our lunch and even when we lie. Head up ladies, we are pretty awesome even when we're not :)
Here are some pics of the week:
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Monday was such a nice day out for a walk! It was the only day I got out! |
Daddy stayed home sick on Monday, we think it was just a food poisoning thing because neither I nor the boys got it (thankful for small blessings!!) Jacob wanted to cuddle up. |
Why are you giving me the finger Zachary? |
Nice hair Jacob! |
The boys enjoying some Baby Babble while sitting on their "Cars" couch and chair. |
Still the only show that will keep them mesmerized for 30 minutes. Another confession? I use it as a baby sitting tool sometimes |
How cute is Samuel all in red? |
This is what we look like when your baby doesn't know how to drink from a cup and can't suck hard enough from a real straw. |
This is what we look like when we're pretty good at drinking from a cup. |
This is what we look like when we say drinking from a cup is for chumps, give me that big straw Papa! |
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Thanks Crystal for often being our third set of hands!!! |
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Santa even came for a visit and he had a present for every kid there! (Our gift was actually just books they already had that I wrapped...lol... they'll never know the difference right?) |
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The older kids were so excited!! |
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They didn't even cry! |
This blog was mostly for the "laugh" part of this quote so I hope you all enjoyed and you moms out there, I hope you feel a little less alone... xx
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