We'll get to the Florida fun in a bit but let me just start by talking about the boys' first daycare experiences. We were worried about the morning routine as it was the first time we were going to get the boys up, get breakfast, get them cleaned, changed, dressed up for our stupidly cold winter and out the door in time for Gabe to get to work on time. Of course, all of that had to be done after we had gotten ourselves ready. It wasn't too bad this week as I didn't really have to get pretty for work, so into comfy clothes I stayed in and makeup free I went. I'll have to get up at around 5:15am in order to get myself ready on time so that I can focus on babies once we get them up at 6 (breakfast also has to be done before we get them up because we need to get food into them within 5 minutes of wake up or all hell breaks lose). I'll definitely be going to be earlier than I do now if I want to make sense in my classroom once I start work! We were offered help from my parents in law and as much as we appreciated the offer, we wanted to do the morning stuff on our own as a family. All in all, we did good. Gabe broke our Magic Bullet making his shake and it seemed to throw off the flow of the morning but we got through it. So we dropped off the boys and they didn't really seem to care as they started playing with all the new toys. They weren't sad one little bit! I was a pretty sad lady but a text from a friend and a call from my mom made it much better. Let me tell you that my boys weren't happy go lucky when I went to get them. I walk in and Zachary was on the floor crying his eyes out with one of the educators and Jacob was on the couch with the other educator also crying his eyes out. Samuel seemed to be fine until he saw me and then he also started crying. The educators gave me Zachary and Jacob and Samuel wasn't liking the fact that he was left out so I ended up with all three in my arms trying to console their little broken hearts... If I was sad in the morning... ouff... that was tough!
The next three days went pretty much the same with each day improving just a little. The second day, Gabe had to physically push me out the door as Jacob was crying uncontrollably... I'm sure it'll improve quicker once they're there full days and it becomes more of a routine for them and for me.
Ok... our trip!
First, we thought it would be a good idea for Gabe's father, who was driving us, to come in and get all the winter clothes from the babies because of course we were going to a tropical paradise (HA!). Come to find out, we had to walk from the airport to the tiny plane to get us to Montreal so we had to run with the babies in the frigid air while they were wearing pjs and sweaters... Poor little dudes! What's with me and making my babies cold? I swear when I go home, I will bubble wrap them in wool! The first flight actually went quite well because the babies slept most of the flight (Zach fought sleep but lost) and they didn't cry once! Another thing that made our flight better was the awesome people that were sitting around us who all seemed to love babies and were super nice and accommodating (maybe it's because they were Maritimers?). Anywho, we get to Montreal and head for our gate for our second flight. Gabe gets called back to the gate and got a little worried but it was only because he had forgotten his coat (phew, they didn't find the drugs! haha). We had just enough time to get the babies' bums changed (who hadn't been changed since the night before poor souls!) and get on the plane...where we waiting 1.5 hours on the freaking tarmac! De-icing, then warming up the engines, then letting Westjet go first... blah blah blah... WE HAVE BABIES AND THE FLIGHT IS ALREADY 3.5 HOURS LONG, GET THIS FREAKING PLANE OFF THE GROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By some stroke of luck, the boys did miraculously well until 40 minutes before the flight landed. After no real play time, always being stuck on someone, and a whole day of flying, I can understand how they finally just gave up on being our perfect little men. I got up to use the bathroom and Jacob, who was on my sister, saw me and lost it, so I traded Zachary for Jacob to try and console him a bit but then Zachary wasn't happy... Samuel, who was on Gabriel was just getting antsy and bored. At one point, he grabbed the guy in front of him who turned around and said to Gabe : " I was ok with the seat kicking but now he's touching me!"... yish!!! So our second flight wasn't composed of baby loving people. I think the guy sitting in my row had a split personality. One minute he was super friendly and asking my niece all sorts of questions and telling me about his life story and then the next minute he's huffing and puffing and giving us the silent treatment... he didn't even say goodbye ?!? Anyways, we made it through, finally we have arrived and all will be good... right? We get to the car rental agency, our cards are declined... WTF? Good thing I had a backup card. We realized later that I had paid daycare on the card and that ate up all our credit... Ok, so we have the car figured out so now we have to go find it and get the car seats figured out. It took us about 20 to find the freakin elevator to get us to our car and then we get to the van, try to set up the seats and find that we have the same problem we had with the car seats that were given to us... we would have needed about 6 tightly rolled up towels to make the rear facing seats work with the van seats. Of course, we didn't have said towels in our luggage so we decided to front forward the boys. This made me a nervous wreck as being driven is a huge fear of mine and being driven in a city where we know nothing AND having to have my babies' lives a little less safe made me tremble like a leaf and loudly inhale at any car that remotely got close to our van until we got to our rental house. We finally got there, safe and sound of course, and man is it nice! We really loved the place until my sister and her family left to get groceries and realized we weren't home and this place is NOT baby proofed! haha... SAM! Don't touch the cables behind the TV, JACOB, STOP CLIMBING THE STAIRS!!! Zach? Where's Zachary? Oh, between the fridge and the counter... man oh man! So we used overturned coffee tables and chairs to try and contain the babies in the livinig room... we had to improvise but it all worked out! We knew their schedule would be all messed up and we were so scared that they would cry all night but by another miracle, we put them down and... nothing... they slept all night and have been since! Man, do I love it when my babies surprise me! We've been having a good time and even if most of their morning naps are being spent sleeping in the van while we go to our mom's house or outlet shopping, they haven't complained nor have they been difficult to handle. Their afternoon naps are touch and go (especially when we tried to put two babies in one play pen at my mom's house... Gabe ended up driving around for 1.5 hours to get them to sleep...) but for the most part, they are doing so well! We went to the pool today and Zachary was in heaven. The moment he saw the water, he said "bain" (bath)... he just thought he was going in the bath which he LOVES!
Only more fun adventures to come my friends but for now, here's some pics :)
The boys' gear for daycare. How cute are those backpacks? |
Dog tags for their backpacks :) |
Not sure they're ready for the backpack... |
Their new favorite activity is couch jumping. |
In Moncton prior to our first flight |
In Orlando, Jacob having fun with Mamie going down the escalator. Notice that they have the same face! |
On our way to the house. They will be falling asleep in...three...two...one... |
The Regal Palm Resort where we're staying |
Our house for 12 days |
The boys' first real meal in Florida on their EZ-PZ mats. Don't ask me what I'm explaining to whom... |
Zachary having fun with the screen outside! |
His brothers wanting to join him |
Lunch at the food court |
YUM! |
They loved the fries the most |
Or maybe it was the ice cream. Jacob found it super cold but then laughed it off and loved every bite! |
We thought it would be much warmer so we had dressed them in shorts and t-shirts so we ended up buying them warmer outfits (again what's with me and not dressing my children?!?) |
In the pool :) |
Zachary loving life |
Samuel wasn't quite sure but liked it in the end |
Jacob just wanted us to let him go... don't think so!! |
That's all folks! Hope you've all weathered the storm! xx MC
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