Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 21 ~ Overwhelmed by generosity

Today showed me how unbelievably generous people can be...  My friends Alicia and Sarah have spend the last few weeks gathering baby items from friends, friends of friends and colleagues without my knowledge.   Alicia invited me sometime this past week to come over on Sunday (today) and to not ask any questions.  If you know me, you know that I love when things are about me, but I'm also a very curious person and surprises that I have to wait more than a day for make me crazy.  I had NO IDEA what she was planning, but I was not ready for what awaited me in her basement...

Thank God we have a van!!!!! 

Unreal right?  I stood there, glued to my spot and had my fourth emotional breakdown... I couldn't even move I was so blown away by the amazingness that was in front of me.  I literally had my own little baby shopping mall.  Gabe said he had a feeling that it was something like this, but he too didn't expect so much. We also went to another friend's house this morning (thank Janice) and she gaves us many many things and another friend (thanks Josée) is coming over tomorrow night to give us three Stage 2 car seats that a friend of one of her spin class participant just wanted to give away... that's like... a lot of money right there!!!  This pregnancy hasn't been the easiest but it's definitely been made easier by the support system we have around us.  We are so lucky! Our babies are going to be spoiled rotten!

We had another appointment with the specialist Dr.Gaudet this week and all babies are doing great!  Baby A and B were both 13 oz and our smallest baby was baby C at about 11 oz.  They are all growing at the rate they're supposed to and are doing amazing.  They were so cooperative as the doctor was measuring them that the technician got all the measurements she needed to get in a very short amount of time, she was impressed.  I told her that my sons were, like me, rule followers so of COURSE they're going to cooperate.
Now that I'm passed week 20, my doctor has advised me to slow down even more, no bed rest yet, but just a lot of rest and relaxation.  So I'm limiting myself to one activity/outing a day, if needed.   My mother and I are going to get some storage bins tomorrow to start organizing all the stuff we've gotten.  Storage is an issue in a house that's got a basement apartment so we'll be storing a lot of our "not needed now" stuff at my parent's house and at the in-laws. Gabe is also going to be busy in the next few months building more storage shelves.  We have a lot of empty space where we can build storage, so we're going to maximize our space. Right now our house looks like a storage unit where people could come in and bid and hope to get the treasure stuff.  (They would be disappointed... HA!)

I feel like the babies are scraping my belly, they seem to be more awake when it's time for me to sleep so I hope that they won't keep me up at night (at least before they're born!!) when they start kicking more.  I also can't wait for Gabe to be able to see/feel them, it'll be crazy cool.

Week 21 belly pics... I'm going to start showing my real belly, don't judge!!!

No place for babies now... excuse the baby photo bomb!! 

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