With the weather now dipping below twenty most days, the boys are no longer wearing shorts and summer tops. This led to the dreaded summer clothes purge... which made me cry... because they'll never be that small again and never wear the cute little rompers they wore all summer long. I had to put them away never to be seen again... well until I put them up for sale at the next consignment sale when I will probably cry again because I just won't believe they were ever that small! I am enjoying that fall weather though! I'm one of the ones you hate that hates the summer heat. I am loving the cool crisp air that makes me think of sweaters, hot chocolate and slipper booties. I also love all the cute "new" clothes I get to put my boys in. I have such cute sweaters that I hung up to replace the summer clothes... it's all just bittersweet.
Speaking of the consignment sale, the fall one was held yesterday and I think it was a huge success. I was there at 7am to do some early shopping and ended up starting my volunteer shift early because there was just no point in coming home just to leave again 30 minutes later. It was a long day but I had a great time. I was dead on my feet when I got home as I was walking around that huge agrena for about 7 hours straight. I wish I had had a pedometer to see just how many steps I took. I suggested that we should do clean up in roller blades, it would save lots of time! I was so surprised at all the stuff that was left after we closed the doors. So many good deals were left on the tables!! We must have put away thousands of items back into the sellers' bins! I know a lot of my clothes were left. It was hard for me to see them all go into the donation pile so I snuck back a few items that I found it just too heartbreaking to give away. After my first go through I told myself to back away slowly because I would have ended up bringing them all back home and for what? Just to give them away in the end anyway? Someone will be as fortunate as I was to receive those clothes and I have to tell myself that paying it forward is a good thing. I was happy to see that all our big items sold though! I kept glancing over and adding up my commission in my head every time one of my items was gone haha... so exciting!! I hope we at least got back what I spent that morning...haha!
One of the reasons I was hurting so bad when I got home was my feet... I've been having a really hard time with my feet since my pregnancy; it gets so bad sometimes that I can hardly walk when I get up in the morning. It takes about 10-15 steps before I can feel like I can walk like a normal person again. Gabe has been hounding me to go see a podiatrist to see what the problem was. I was reluctant to go because the last time I went to see a foot doctor, all they said was that I needed insoles. So when my step-dad had to go for a sore on his foot, I asked my mother to book me an appointment. Turns out I actually have something wrong with me... it's called Plantar Fascitis which is also known as jogger's heel. It is an inflammation of the band of tissue that extends from the heel to the toes. The doctor believes that the fact that I gained a lot of weight during my pregnancy caused a lot of stress on my feet which resulted in the inflammation of the tissue. She's going to give me Laser Shock Therapy. She already gave me one session and let me tell you friends, it wasn't pleasant. She said that she basically needed to bruise the tissue in order for my brain to start healing the inflammation because I had ignored it for so long that my body had moved on to other things. Of course she said that I needed to lose weight (no duh! I've seen myself!) but I had to stop doing exercise that put any strain on my feet. So the T25 I was all happy to get up and do in the mornings (haha...right) was going to have to wait until I was smaller. I will focus on nutrition and lots of walks. I started doing long walks this week and the boys really enjoy them anyway. I went for a nice walk with my friend Alicia and we went up some hills and I was sweating bullets while pushing that 100lbs stroller up some of those hills! I'll get this weight off... It's going slowly but since I talked about it last, I'm down about 10 lbs so slowly but surely.
So as you may have already guessed, Gabe was alone with the babies on Saturday morning for the first time. Not that he's never been alone with them before but he never did the whole morning routine on his own. Here are some of the texts I got from him that morning...
730 a.m... all three kids still alive
Although based on the mellow dramatic cry of one of them I do believe he is about to perish
And Sam fell over (he's fine) and I said TOMBÉ... and Zach thinks he fell cause he started
crying more ha!
His parents came over at around 10:30 to give him a hand until I got home at around 2. He did great, I'm pretty proud of him! I wanted him to do it alone just in case I ever wake up super sick or something and I just can't get out of bed and he was fine. Of course, things weren't as they would have been had I been home but the kids were fed, their diapers were changed and they were alive so those were all plusses. I do have momma's boys though... the moment I walked in the door they all wanted to be on me. It was a nice feeling that I was missed!
The boys still aren't taking that much milk or formula but I did up their food intake. I was wondering if I was giving them enough and after asking a few people and doing some research, I realized that I wasn't. I was giving them about 1/2 to a 1/3 less than I was supposed to. I doubled (almost tripled) their food and what do you know they ate it all! The first day I did, they also napped better than they ever have! I was scared it was going to make them take even less milk or formula but they are taking just as much as they were taking before. I guess it makes sense that I should up their food intake, they are about 3.5 months older than they were when I started and I was giving them about the same amounts! Anyways, all is well! I have also taken the decision that our family should start being an actual family that has family meals as Gabe and I don't often eat the same supper at the same time... not that we can't cook, we just never took the time. So we sat down and talked about all the meals we could make and I made a menu. Most of what's on there I can modify so that the babies can eat it so that's good. I hope we can keep it up!
I have a table in between Jacob and Samuel's cribs where I kept a lamp, some piggy banks and their monitor. Well that table no longer has anything on it because last week I found the monitor in Jacob's crib and this week I found THE LAMP in Samuel's crib! Little buggers...
So I did something this week that I had told myself I wouldn't do until the boys were at least one year old. Jacob spent the night in our bed on Tuesday night. He got woken up by Zachary crying that night and we just couldn't get him back to sleep. He'd fall asleep in my arms a minute after I picked him up but the moment he felt his body touch the crib, he would wake up crying uncontrollably. I must have picked him up, soothed him to sleep and put him back down about 5-6 times before I told Gabe that it just wasn't working. I told him I'd go sleep with him in the living room and he was like where? how? I then decided to try laying him down in between us to see if he would sleep. It took about 10 minutes to calm him down because he was excited about being in our bed but he finally fell asleep super snuggled into his mamma. At about 2am, I decided he must be in deep enough sleep that he should be able to go back to his crib (I hadn't slept yet). Boy was I wrong! It was as though I was abandoning him! So back to bed he came with me.... I told myself that he was strong enough to get himself up he should be able to turn himself enough to breathe if he found himself in a position where he couldn't... Anyways, he slept until 6:30am and I slept maybe 2 hours as I'd wake up all the time to check to see if he was still breathing... I was also scared that it would mess up his nighttime routine but he was fine the next night and slept peacefully back in his crib and never made a peep. He may have had a touch of what Sam had last week or it was his upper tooth threatening to come out. Sure enough, I saw the tooth two days later make an appearance! Poor little dude. I certainly won't make a habit of letting them sleep in our bed, but I won't be as scared anymore to let them do it if they need it. Jacob definitely needed it that night judging by how close he kept trying to get to me when he won't let me cuddle him at all during the day.
Alright! Picture time:
My poor feet all bandaged up after being all banged up |
He's really trying to get up.... He's strong enough, just no confidence yet |
I got to go spend some time with my field hockey girls. The boys loved them... |
...and I think they loved the boys! |
My fellow coach wasn't all that pleased that I was disrupting his training... |
I had forgotten his hat so I kept throwing a blanket over his head |
All ready for the sale! ALL those big items were sold! |
Little bugger took off his shirt during the night |
Look at that mug! He was pretty pleased with himself I think |
Already plotting to reach that monitor on the shelf... I might have to remove that shelf completely! |
Why can't I get to that shelf? |
Look mommy! I'm standing under the table! |
Samuel and Zachary kissing through the gate... so cute! |
It took my mom about 20 shots before she caught them because they kept looking up at the camera to smile every time they saw the camera light come on |
Zachary's turn! |
Brothers learning to share |
Still with that smirk! |
I'm coming mamma! |
Jacob LOVES that chair... he plays with it more than he plays with his brothers |
He's not often found sitting in it unless we put him there, he's normally body slamming it |
Mamie and Zachary selfie |
Sam was so relaxed with his Papie |
Another selfie with Zachary |
We were partying hard for cousin Alexie's birthday! |
Samuel loving some Papa kisses |
Zachary learning the piano |
Beautiful birthday girl! |
Make a wish!!! |
Mamie hanging out with her three favourite men |
Zachary was so relaxed, he laid down on her like that for a while just watching TV |
Yummy fingers! This move was what caused... |
...this mayhem! Look at Zachary who still can't handle falling... poor little dude |
See how Sam has moved on and Jacob is playing with his feet and Zachary hasn't moved a muscle |
Of course, Sam had to come back and make Zach cry harder |
Yep, looks like fun... as I keep taking pictures |
I have to separate Zachary from his brothers so they leave him alone...haha |
I think the tuques still fit?!? |
Good night y'all... xox
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