I love him, I swear I do, and I wouldn't change a thing about him... except maybe his non stop crying for reasons I can't figure out... He was feeling a little under the weather this week with a slight fever at the beginning of the week followed by the same red spots Sam and Jacob had the previous week so that was one reason for crying but there HAS to be something else... He cries 75% of the time between getting up and bedtime... It's tough when I'm alone (thankfully I'm not always alone) because he always wants to be on me and his brothers want to play with mommy too and I just can't play with them because Zachary demands all my attention. He's just so sad all the time! He woke up with a big smile on Thursday morning and I was like HURRAY! it'll be a good morning!! Well that lasted until I stupidly knocked his head on the doorframe going out the bedroom door... it was over... oh mummy... He has managed to get up a few times on his own though this week so that's good! I honestly think he's upset all the time because he sees his brothers all over the place and he can't do what they do so we did a lot of practicing this week. He's catching on little by little but he lacks the confidence as he's so scared to fall that he even cries when he sees his brothers cry! This too shall pass though right? Poor little buddy... I do feel bad for him but I just don't know what he wants! Even when he begs to be on me and I pick him up, he wants back down and then he cries even harder! man oh man... I wish I had the superpower to read baby minds!! It would solve so many mysteries and I could make a killing!!
Poor little Jacob had a rough day Friday! He's been teething (growing 4 on top) and he's such a little trooper through it all that I was really worried when he wouldn't even sit in his wagon going into the Superstore. My mother or I had to carry him through the store as he'd panic the moment we tried to sit him down anywhere so putting him in the car seat to come home was not good for my little man. We got home and changed his diaper to discover that his little bum was raw red... no wonder he didn't want to sit down anywhere! I also think it would burn every time he would pee as he would just randomly start crying while he was playing so we made sure to change him every pee and loaded his bum with cream. It took a whole day and a half before we saw a difference... stupid teething!!
Samuel had a good week, he's a happy little fella. Of course, he got jealous a few times as Zachary was always on mommy but for the most part, he's pretty happy playing on his own.
I called the pediatrician on Tuesday because I was still worried about their milk intake. He was away but his secretary is great and she can always answer most of my questions because I'm sure she's heard his answer many times! She said I shouldn't worry too much because if he thinks they're ready for the switch it's because he also believes that formula no longer needs to be their primary form of nutrition but food is. She said as long as they're not acting hungry and that their diapers are full and that they're still gaining weight they were going to be fine. I should just continue to do what I'm doing and if they wanted more, they'd eat/drink more. Someone from my triplet mom facebook group suggested I just go cold turkey and they'd have to get used to it eventually. I'm not ready to do that yet, not at 10 months but I think when they hit 11 months, I will be more adamant about the milk intake so that when they hit the year mark, I'll just say goodbye to formula and they'll just have to get used to the milk. They are also getting bored with purees I think and wanting to feed themselves more and more. That is another transition I'm not quite ready for because that means a lot more work on my part. Doing the purees and freezing them once a week was easy; it was pop a few ice tray cubes in the microwave and away we go! Now it's actually preparing meals ahead of time and I failed a few times this week having to go back to the purees. It's tough! I also don't really know what to give them so now I'm going to have to prepare a whole new menu for them. The supper menu went really well for Gabe and I but the babies weren't loving everything so I had to improvise with peanut butter toast a few times... I just wish I had a cook!! Our grocery bill is also slowly increasing as our formula bill is decreasing... urgh! As always, we'll figure it out... my babies aren't starving so that's what counts!
I went to work a booth at a wedding show on Friday night for a friend of mine who runs the community center where Gabe and I got married so Gabe and his father had the babies alone from 4:30 on. It was not a pretty night... here is Gab's take:
Gab's blog entry
Friday night mommy had a job to do outside the house from 4:15 to about 9:30 and I said no problem. I can handle it. I'm confident I can take care of this with the help of my dad who will show up around 5 pm. I'll feed the kids, he will take them out for a walk, I'll clean, they'll come back,I'll give Jacob a bath, I'll change some dipers, I'll give them their bottle then bed time. I got this no problem.
Well...Murphy's law... so here's what happened. Around 4:45 Jacob and Zachary start crying so I put on cartoons to distract them so I can make supper. It didn't distract them. They basically cried the whole time I made supper. Now with supper almost ready I put them in the high chairs and give them some puffs while I finish supper. They love puffs! Perfe....oh...I guess puffs make them cry today (except Sam...happy go lucky Sam). Finally supper is ready. I get through about 5 rounds of spoon to mouth and everything is good...until the crying starts again. For about 10 minutes before my dad shows up Zachary and Jacob are crying their little hearts out while I try to feed them all. Sam is just waiting his turn sucking his thumb waiting for the next bite to eat. My dad shows up and the boys stop crying...for about 5 seconds and it's back to crying..during the rest of the feeding, during some milk, while getting them ready for their walk and finally in the stroller and ready for a walk with Pépére. (they went out for about 45 minutes no crying). During this time I clean up as much of the mess as I could and grabbed a bite to eat which I burnt my mouth trying to eat it quickly before they get back. Once they're back it's time to change two bums and put pj's on then bring Jacob for a bath. Now I know Jacob takes his bath in the tub now and not the ducky but I'm running late and get to the bathroom with Jacob in my arms and the ducky is in the bathtub so I figure I'll just fill it up with water. Jacob looks very excited to get in the ducky bath. He can't wait. Once the tub is full I put him in and ....he panics! Freaks out! Tried to jump out climbing on the ducks head and in to my arms. hmm...maybe the water is too hot. Nope, seems good. I'll try again. Same thing. He is now terrified of being in the duck so I pick him up in my arms (naked and wet...him not me of course well I guess I'm wet now) and with my free hand try to lift the ducky full of water to pour it into the tub. Which I achieved! (you thought I was going to fail didn't you?) Mind you, this was achieved with a bit of spillage on me and on Jacob and on the floor. (Ok, so it wasn't a perfect dismount.) So in the regular tub he goes and enjoys it. Finally get him bathed and in pj's and make the three bottle for them to eat. This went ok. Afterwards they just hung out for a bit and played as if nothing had gone on earlier. As if no one had cried about anything. Just went about their regular baby business .Put them to bed around 7 and not a peep. And I will be going to bed shortly after! I got this...
Sounds like he had a rough night! Well he got through it and I firmly believes he needs to live through those types of nights so that the good nights are just that much better. He sent me a text that night:
p.s. I always said you were a great mom and great at what you do and you know I appreciate you. But now I can say it having gone through a tough night myself. You ARE a SUPER mom. That was nice to hear! He's a great dad and those nights will only make him greater and if it can make him appreciate what I do a bit more than all the better!
I'm thankful for that work on Friday night as we went to the Osaka Hibachi Grill Japanese restaurant on Saturday night and we were actually able to afford it! (Thanks Brian!) It's quite expensive if you go for the full experience (which we did) but it was so worth it! I had a little too much Saki squirted in my mouth (japanese wine for those of you who don't know... tastes like mild tequila) and japanese beer (which I feel today) but we had a great time and I'd do it again... in six months after we've raised enough money to go back haha!
Have a great week y'all and enjoy the following pics!
My booth at the wedding show! Krysta Jay was beside me with photo booth props which I stole for this photo. Check out her facebook page if you're looking for a DJ: Krysta Jay's DJ service. |
Our awesome server/entertainer at the Hibachi Grill and my almost finished beer :) |
Look at that fire! |
Jacob is planning his escape |
The boys in their new fall coveralls. They don't have many identical outfits but this is pretty darn cute! |
I think they still fit? |
Jacob has decided he wants to be fed like a baby goat... don't think so buddy |
Yummy floor mat |
Share with me bro! |
Tryin on some mitts |
First time having a smoothie |
They're getting dirty but they loved it! |
That face... |
Giving all my babies some love |
Also trying to get out |
They somehow took the table down, flipped it upside down and dragged it to the middle of the mat... all without my noticing |
Look at us mommy! |
With their new bear toques! |
Daddy now has to play his guitar separated by a gate as all the babies want to do it play with him |
Calms them everytime |
Some pics from our DIY 10 month photoshoot |
This is what I now call his Chandler face... |
What are you doing mom? |
Taking my picture? Oh ok, I guess I'll give you a smile |
At least they're not picking on Zachary for once! |
There is nothing sweeter in my world... they ARE my world... so much love... |
This is what happens when I try to let them feed themselves an omelette... |
Where is Roxy when I need her? Man I miss that dog... for more than her eating skills! |
As always, xox
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