Those were the words of the first trick or treater at my door on Friday night... I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I heard the mother say "Remember what to say Kayden" and then instead of "Trick or Treat" the little boy just uttered without missing a beat: "Can I poop?". Man oh man! I asked the mom if their house was far because if it was he was more than welcome to come in and do his business. As I insisted, she started to waver and accepted that it was better he poop in a stranger's house than in his pants! So in they came and the little Iron Man went to have a poo in my bathroom. His little sister had to wait in the house with us, poor thing. I tried to entertain her, but I left it more to Sponge Bob Square Pants that was thankfully playing in the background. It took the little guy quite some time too! I kept thinking... if that's how long it takes for one little guy to poo, I'll be spending my evenings in the bathroom with my three! Maybe we should purchase a second toilet and install it next to the one we already have so I can at least hold two hands at once if I need to! haha... Looking forward to things to come... We weren't going to dress up our monkeys in anything but the 4$ skeleton onesies I had bought at Walmart but my father in law thought it was sad that they weren't going to have costumes for their first Halloween so he bought them costumes on discount at Carter's (2.99$!!). He ended up paying less for full costumes than I did for the onesies. My only reservation about costumes had been the price. Since they weren't going to go trick or treating, I didn't see the point in spending a tonne of money. In the end I'm glad they got costumes because they looked pretty darned cute! I gotta say that the skeleton costumes were pretty adorable too though!
This week the boys had their physiotherapy appointment and ba pa ra pa!!! (That was meant to be a fun trumpet sound so go back and sing it in your head as what I'm about to say needs to be proceeded by a fun trumpet sound) THE BOYS HAVE CAUGHT UP TO THEIR REAL AGE!!! The physiotherapist was so impressed when she saw the boys... without even evaluating them, she immediately said that she was pretty sure they had caught up. I told her I was concerned about Zachary not being able to sit up from crawling. She showed me how to show him and while she was evaluating one of the other boys, we look over to Zachary and HE WAS SITTING! All it took was her showing him how to do it ONCE! She had evaluated Zachary and she said he was a month behind and then BAM he sits on his own... We were told that we would most likely have to correct their developmental age until the age of two as most preemies are caught up by that age. Well my boys, the smart little boys they are, caught up before they reached their first birthday! I was so impressed and proud! She said that they'll most likely be walking by January. That's a little scary! I am having a hard time keeping up with the boys now as they're crawling all over the place, I don't know what I'm going to do once they're all walking! I know it's coming, but I feel like January is so close! At least they'll walk while I'm still home, I would hate it if their first step would be at daycare and I would miss it!! I know it might happen and I'll be sad if it does but I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be the one to witness their first step!
I got to see my book club ladies this week and as usual, it was such an amazing night but what made it even more special was the author we were talking about was there!! Yep, one of my book club ladies wrote a book and it's GOOD!!! We often ask "I wonder what the author was thinking when she wrote..." so how lucky were we to be able to ask the author herself?!? We are so proud of you Crystal!! Here's the link to her book if you want to buy a copy:
Scattered by Crystal Rose. If you're around Moncton, you can also get it from her, just contact her through her Facebook page here:
Crystal's Facebook Page.
I wish I could have a camera on filming the boys at all times because there are so many things I'd like you all to see as they are doing the cutest and most silliest things lately. I think Zachary is teething again and he's become so much more dramatic! His new thing is putting his head between his legs when he's sitting and just staying like that to cry. There'll be nothing wrong with him, and all of a sudden, he stops, sits, puts his head down and cries... for no reason at all! Well, I'm sure there's a reason and I don't leave him like that for more than 30 seconds while I laugh I promise... my poor little dude! He's also become such an aggressive little guy!! He'll bite me any chance he gets if I don't catch him on time. Oh, and he'll growl like a tiger and shake his head like I'm prey while he's doing it too! I have like 5 bruises from his biting. In case you're wondering, yes, he also bites his brothers but I'm more vigilant in watching for that and they're just little. He'll also scratch and pinch and once I swear he had his finger so deep in Jacob's eye socket I thought his eye ball would pop out! I stop him as soon as I see him and I know little boys are rough but that's a little overboard is it not? I don't even know how to teach him that it's wrong because he's too little to understand the word NO. All I do at this point is still say no, stop him and give him a toy to bite on or change the play situation. I hope it doesn't keep up because I'll have angry phone calls from daycare parents... I'm sorry in advance if my son bites your child, trust me, I'm doing everything I can to teach him that it's not ok... If anyone has a trick that doesn't include biting him back (because again, he's too young to understand action reaction), let me know!! Samuel is being Samuel... just a happy kid who has started experimenting with new sounds this week. His latest is "oh boy oh boy oh boy". You can check out this video where he's having a conversation with either Zachary or a tube of lotion... I honestly think it's the lotion he's talking to...
A conversation with lotion. I know I give Zachary a lot of grief, but he's also pretty adorable in that video, just waiting patiently while Samuel steals and gives back his "toy". As far as Jacob is concerned, he's just a little monkey. He tries to climb on everything, including trying to climb in the playpen and that worries Gabe. I'm not too worried as if he finds a way, at least he'll be falling IN the playpen. He's so clever that I'm pretty sure he'll find a way pretty soon. He'll be on one side of the room one day and when I turn my back he'll be in the playpen. Just watch... that post is coming! His monkey ways are scaring me a little as I'm pretty sure that he'll also find a way to climb out of his crib one day soon. His mattress is already at the lowest setting so I don't know what else I can do except for put a pillow floor around his crib! Every morning I brace myself for hearing a BAM.....WAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! (that was a baby hitting the floor and then crying just in case you needed a visual). Jacob has also become quite a momma's boy. This morning, for some reason, he woke up crying his eyes out so I went to get him (30 mins before I normally would have) and he had, of course, woken up his brothers so I decided to bring them to bed with us. I brought Jacob in first and he was fine in bed with daddy until I left the room at which point he started screeching again. This is happening more and more lately where he just wants me and no one else will do. I think it's mostly when he's tired. I, of course, think it's adorable but sometimes I just want to go pee!
They just now got back from the mall with my in-laws as the weather was crappy so a walk was out of the question. I have to say that it's nice to have a break when they're not here but my heart is so happy when I see them back home. I never think I can love them anymore and then I feel like I do every time I see them again...
I didn't take that many pics this week but here goes anyway:
Where we were one year ago... crazy! |
The boys went to see Gabrielle and Alexie play ringuette for the first time! |
Zachary in a milk box... I removed him when he started licking it, I really don't know where that's |
The boys had a date with one of their NICU buddies, Emery. I think she fell in love x 3 |
The boys loving our new TV stand |
Nice hair Jacob |
Let us out Mamie!! |
Samuel got up an hour earlier than his brothers so he could spend some solo time with Emery! How pretty is she? Maybe this will be a picture we post at their wedding?? |
I'm not sure you're doing it right Jacob! |
How does that turtle taste Sam? |
Jacob had a great time pushing his brothers around |
It's blurry I know but you can tell how much fun they were having! |
My adorable little skeletons! |
I have no idea what he's doing... |
From left to right: Vampire Zachary, Frankenstein Samuel and another Vampire Jacob |
Frankenstein lost his pants |
Their Halloween walk really pooped my little vampire Jacob out! |
I also started a little side home business since I need money we don't have to buy boots we can't afford. If you know anyone who might be interested in these for their little ones or if you yourself would like to have one made for some little one you know, let me know at and we can talk :) I'm just an amateur, so they're not perfect but I think they're pretty cool! I can do any color and pretty much any fun baby animal or whatever.
For a boy, in French |
For a girl, in English |
As always my friends...
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