I don't have anything truly inspiring, as I normally would (HA!), to say tonight so I'll keep it short and sweet.
We had a pretty good week with no major breakdowns. Jacob is now officially our third biter, which is great, as you can imagine. We now have three biters running around. They also love to hug now, especially Sam, so we never know if they're hugging or biting so we end up breaking up their sweet moments just in case they're not being sweet at all... Zachary has a beautiful new teeth shaped bruise on his arm given to him by his new biting brother Jacob. Poor little Zachary also has a face filled with mosquito bites. It's like they just love his blood! I know they love me so we must have the same sweet savory blood the stupid mosquitos love. I have to say there isn't much I hate about nature more than I do mosquitos and now they're attacking my sons?!? The circle of life can kiss my arse when it comes to mosquitos, kill them on the spot! Zachary picked up a new, and super cute, habit this week. He absolutely must pick up rocks outside the daycare doors before he goes in and he doesn't let them go. He always still has them in his hands when we say goodbye. God only knows how Carrie gets him to let them go. She's so great with them! Another daycare moment? We "lost" Sam... I had Jacob, Gabe had Zachary and Samuel was walking somewhere between us. All of sudden, he passes by Gabe and turns the corner. POOF! He's gone! That's how quick it can happen folks! We found him hiding behind the Boys & Girls Club desk. The director said that she knew he couldn't leave the building but as little as they are and as sneaky as they are, he could have ended up in any nook or cranny! And people judge us for using leashes?? My children's security trumps your judgement!
We had a great weekend! The boys surprised us by sleeping until past 7 on Saturday (well Jacob was sleeping and his brothers were just hanging out so we let them). I wish they would have told me, that way I wouldn't have gotten up at 6 to make them breakfast that we just had to reheat an hour later! I could have lounged in my bed a little longer! Anyways, we went to pick up Mémère Arsenault and went to spend some time in the mall. It was raining again this weekend so we had to find something to do! We wanted to try out their new leashes anyway. Some people were giving us bad looks and I didn't even care. They don't know my life! Most people thought it was cute though. It was funny though because at one point, Zachary got down on all fours and he really did look like dog... hehe... We had one person per child so it was pretty easy to start training them to be ok with having that backpack on but I'm curious to see how it'll go when there are only two of us or just me with them. Should be interesting for sure. Saturday afternoon I left early with my sister and family to go see my sister do a lap for the cancer survivors at Shediac's Relay for Life. The boys had to nap so Gabe came to meet me later. We had great afternoon, the rain was kind enough not to show up again. The boys loved the freedom to run around a big field. Zachary must have spent an hour kicking around a ball with all members of the family. I think my step-dad Winston enjoyed it most of all. They spent so much energy and were zonked out by the time we started heading home. Surprisingly, they didn't fall asleep on the way home and were so over tired by the time we got them to bed that they were just not having it! Zachary, who never cries at night anymore, was the worst of the three. I had to go get him twice! Of course, waking up his brothers. Sam finally gave up the fight and fell asleep as Jacob and Zachary were losing their minds. After trying to soothe Zachary & Jacob to no avail, I gave up and let them have a cry. It only took about 10 minutes but now that they're older, and hardly ever cry at night anymore, it's getting harder and harder to listen to them. We did it though and they slept through the night without another peep. Tonight, there was no battle as we put them down.
My father in law got his first Hole in One. It was pretty special :) |
Judge us if you must but these may be a life saver for me this summer. |
We were testing them out this weekend |
They did pretty good |
Enjoying a snack at Juigo Juice |
The start of the Survivors lap at Relay For Life in Shediac |
My sister and her friend Lisanne who has helped her get through this nightmare |
My sister looking radiant in yellow with my mother and myself |
Their song was being played so of course they had to dance, like they do every single time they hear it. |
Sam joined in |
Samuel having a break |
Zachary playing soccer. He must have kicked that ball for an hour |
I don't even know what Jacob and my mom are doing on the left... |
We customized their wagon for Cindy |
Getting a ride from Pappy (Gabrielle wanted to join the fun) |
Loving their new Costco toddler chairs |
They don't stay in too long but they are perfect! |
As you can see, my wall enjoyed my supper more than Sam did... |
Yeah... so I don't think showing them that dancing on the coffee table was funny was a good idea |
We have spent all week after this picture was taken trying to tell them that getting on the table was dangerous... Talk about mixed message! |
My niece Alexie reading to Zachary while he's getting his bum changed. They hate this part! |
My niece Gabrielle playing with Jacob |
Zachary and his poor mosquito attacked face... |
We just wanted to try it out
Samuel was not a fan of it... He apparently isn't a fan of water in general at daycare either. What a kid! |
And as always my friends....
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