Yep! This is it! I'm on vacation! I officially finished on Tuesday morning but I applied to do some grade 8 marking for few days which kept me occupied until Thursday. Friday was a wonderful day off, I did as little as I could around the house so that it wouldn't look like I completely gave up on life and then I just took the day OFF! It doesn't happen often and it felt great! I have a lot of plans for the summer and although I'm sure I'm going to be taking more days "off", it felt good to just do nothing for a day. I'll be cleaning my house top to bottom (our tenants are leaving at the end of the month), I'll be organizing the backyard after I mow it all to make it fun for the babies, I'll be painting and doing some esthetic work around the house, I'll be trying to boost up my business and make some summer money and I'll be working on getting my health back in tip top shape starting with signing up at the gym tomorrow! I'll also be taking my boys out of daycare once in a while and sometimes just one at a time. I'm not going to lie and say that I have no problem taking care of them alone. I'm sure I COULD take care of them, they'd be fed and changed and loved but we would all four be crying by the end of the day everyday I'm sure! Like I mentioned before, there are limited places for me to able to take the boys on my own where they would be safe. I've decided that I'll take out one boy at a time once in a while and go on playdates and be able to enjoy them as a singleton parent would. Yes, I feel guilty still but the guilt is slowly dying away as I realize that it'll be better for everyone if the routine isn't disrupted too much. Of course, there is a little selfish part of me that has been longing for a true summer off. When the boys are older, I'll be keeping them home more in the summer, this age is just crazy and they LOVE daycare so it's going to be ok, it doesn't mean that I love them any less (yes, I'm still trying to convince myself).
So Sam's word of the month is No, he'll say no to everything even when he really wants to say yes. For example, we'll ask if he wants water and he'll say no while shaking his head and then as soon as we move on to one of the other boys, he'll start crying and say "L'eau, l'eau, l'eau" and doing the water sign. Just today he's been starting to say "yeah" more because I think he's realizing what No really means lol.
We let the boys play outside in the backyard this morning. The boys have everything they could want out there and they'll get more I'm sure. They have a bouncy castle (given to us by my sister), they have a play structure (given to us by my sister), they have a water table (given to us by my sister - do you see a theme??), they have a new toddler slide (given to us by my sister... just kidding, this one was found for us by my awesome friend Sarah (thanks Sarah!!)). After our Wal-Mart/Costco grocery routine this morning, Gabe went out back with them to play and I came inside to unpack and make lunch. After about 20 minutes, Gabe calls me from the backyard and tells me to get back there and bring a facecloth. I get out there and he's holding a bleeding Zachary in his arms. Poor little dude had fallen from the slide. This was his second time bleeding today as he had hit his mouth on the table the morning as he was sneezing (we tried not to laugh at that one...). Gabe said all was going well until they started to play on the play structure and then all went to shits lol. Three babies on one slide is not an easy thing to manage but he did well... well until Zachary fell on his face. He's fine by the way...
We were at a birthday party this weekend and the difference between us being multiple parents vs singleton parents was very apparent. I think our boys, because we often have no other choice but to let them problem solve, are pretty smart at figuring things out. I also heard often that one of the boys' nose was running many times. I guess I just don't have time to always have a Kleenex at the ready. We were also always "on". We didn't get to enjoy the lovely food put out by the hostess but more like shoved it in our mouths. Again, I'm not saying that people with one child or with more than one child have it easy, please don't think that's what I'm saying, I'm just saying that my life is different.
Ok, here are some pics of our week!
Jacob and Zachary LOVE guacamole. They won't eat the Nacho, just use it as a spoon to get more guac |
Samuel couldn't like it less. He eats the chips |
Their first real ice cream cone |
They LOVED it! |
This was messy |
New slide |
They absolutely LOVED the trampoline |
Reading the sales for daddy |
Have a good week y'all! xox
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