I've definitely said #1, #5 and #7 already and I know that I will say the rest and so many more within the next 10 years... just this morning I said "Zachary don't throw your car at your brother" and also, "Jacob, hide your boobies!". The more they grow up, the more I hear myself say the weirdest thing! I also love that they understand mostly everything we say and it's starting to make life so much easier! They are, however, getting heavier and therefore fall harder which is how Zachary ended up with a big bump on his head today and Sam fell on our outdoor swing, bit his tongue and had a mouth so bloody, he looked like a boxer after a fight. There are so many more injuries of late I'm dreading the one that sends one of them to the E.R.. Maybe I need to be more on my toes and keep a more watchful eye? Who am I kidding, I'm raising three BOYS!!! I'll have a frequent flyer card to the E.R. by the time they graduate...
I had a long long week with it being my first week with my students. I'm happy with my classes and I'm still glad I'm a teacher. Am I glad I'm a teacher with three demanding toddlers at home? Sure... Am I glad I'm a teacher with three demanding toddlers at home and a new commitment to health and 10 new recipes to make a week?? I'll make it through... I'm down about 14 lbs so things are working. Gabe and I had a really tough "keeping it healthy day" yesterday. We haven't had an actual cheat meal in a long time and it's getting tougher and tougher to stay away. I worked all day at the Multiple Sale (which went wonderful by the way) and I didn't really eat between 6am and 2pm except for a few handfuls of popcorn and a granola bar. It would have been very easy to go through a drive-thru and pick up something super quick and super unhealthy but instead I drove to Subway, went in and had a healthier version of fast food. I was really spent from the day's work and I was meant to go out with all the sale people but my eyes were burning and my body wouldn't move off the couch. Normally when that happens, I'd get Gab to go get us some fast food of some sort and just veg out but instead we had veggies and steak and stuck to our plan. I did have dark chocolate and wine as a "treat" but I still say it's better than the milk chocolate candy bar and ketchup chips I actually wanted! I haven't had the perfect week with my food with it being the first real week at work but I'd say that I was on track 90% of the time and that's so much better than my start up would have been in the past. People are commenting on my weight loss and it's great to see and hear that my efforts are paying off. The fact that I have a super supportive husband who is in this 100% with me is super awesome. He's down about 10 lbs himself and he's feeling much better. He's slowly learning to add more food to his normally bland mix and he's discovering tastes he'd never have tried before. This is not only good for us, but our boys are going to be healthy by default. I try to feed them mostly what we eat and for the most part, with some modifications, they'll eat it. Zachary is more open than his brothers but I keep telling myself that as long as I keep trying, it'll become the norm in our home and they'll adapt.
This week went by in a flash! We went to my niece's birthday supper on Thursday night and the boys devoured the chocolate cake my sister made. I myself couldn't pass it up, I had a piece and it was the best thing of life! This weekend we shipped the kids off with our families again. My sister and family had Jacob, my mom had Samuel and although Gab was meant to spend the day with Zachary, his parents couldn't pass up the chance to spend the day with one of the boys. Gabe wasn't feeling 100% so it worked out for him. With me and the boys gone most of the day, he was able to take a nap and focus on getting better. By the time I got home at around 3:00, he already looked and felt better. Me... not so much! I talked so much all week in classes and all day as a cashier that my voice was half gone and my legs couldn't support me anymore. My mom dropped off Sam at around 3:30 and we were able to spend a few hours with one boy. I won't lie to you, it was a little boring lol! We also didn't have a car seat so we couldn't bring him anywhere so we were hanging out at home. He kept going from Gabe and I and when I didn't have him, I didn't have to look after two other boys. I layed down on the couch and chilled. I'm glad we have three busy boys because it keeps us on our toes and stops us from being lazy! This way, our boys won't be lazy either! I was super happy to see Zachary and Jacob back in the house as I missed them so much!! Again, they didn't seem to miss each other but today Jacob couldn't go anywhere without knowing where we all were every minute so I'm thinking as much as he had yesterday, he didn't want to be taken away again. They had such a good time with their adventures! Now we just need to do it one more time so that everyone's had each of the boys at least once! The boys aren't napping well at home anymore... so that sucks. They each slept at least 2 hours at each of their respective babysitter's house but every time they're all together at home, the naps suck! Today for example, Sam coughed not even an hour into their nap, which woke up his brothers and that was it. We are thinking of separating them for their naps. It would totally suck and mess up our routine but they need more than 1 hour naps at 21 months of age. And you know what happens to toddlers when they don't get enough sleep, they become toddlers from the planet "Let's Throw Ourselves on the Floor and Cry for no Apparent Reason". We might try it once and see if it changes anything. Thankfully they still sleep super well at night. They play and jump around in their crib for a bit but then we don't hear them until the next morning.
We had a great-ish day today. I woke up early to do some work (I had to fit it in sometime this weekend! What? First week and you're already working from home?!? Yep! Already filling in my overtime hours for next summer break!!), made breakfast and woke up the boys (the big one too) at around 7 to start our day. We had a fun start and then it went a little hectic and down hill... this is when Samuel hit his mouth and mommy got scared because of all the blood. He seemed ok and all his teeth still seemed to be in his mouth so I assumed he had bit his tongue (which is exactly what happened as I saw the aftermath in the tub tonight). We went to go groceries, came home, fed the boys, put them down, got them up 1 hour later (I had time to peel and cut a bag of carrots in preparation for the week) and entertained them for a bit. We didn't want to just stay home and watch them play (and fight and bite and etc) so we looked up
Pickle Planet Moncton (thanks Jenna!! Click on the link to see what I'm talking about) and decided to head off to the Corn Maze in Salisbury. They had two little corn mazes for little kids so we thought "hey, why not?". The boys did great! Jacob hardly walked because I think he was scared of the big leaves but Zachary and Sam did great! Zachary was our leader and almost always picked the path we'd go on. He loved it! Here are a few videos from the corn maze :
Corn Maze Fun #1 &
Corn Maze Fun #2. We bought corn for supper, stopped at my mom's for a quick visit where we got some fresh from the garden potatoes, came home, had supper, gave everyone a bath and said good night. The boys are so adorable now... we say dodo and they walk themselves down the hall to their bedroom door and wait for us to open the door. Bedtime has never been easier and I'm so proud of the way we trained them. Damn those who thought us cruel for sleep training our children the way we did. I'm glad we did it!
On that note... enjoy some pics of the week :)
Funny oops story... I read our portions wrong on our menu... Gabe texts me at work and tells me that the portions read one cup of pasta salad (which you can see in the 1 cup measuring cup to the right) and he said he had been eating for 10 minutes already. Here I was sitting at work trying to finish my huge salad... we totally ate way too much and it totally my fault... OOPS! |
We modified our wagon so that it would become a feeding table at my niece's birthday party. This is a hack I saw online and it worked great! Much better than trying to get the boys to eat sitting on our lap! |
He had Alexie's hat on and looked adorable! |
Walking with me in the corn maze |
Yeah!! We found a check point! |
This was a rope maze. The boys don't know how to rope maze... they cheated constantly by going underneath the ropes... way to go boys! |
Zachary LOVED this costume on Jacob. He discovered the tail and couldn't stop chasing him, sometimes even holding on to the tail until Jacob got too annoyed to continue. |
What a cute face!!! |
His new obsession is my teeth |
He kept wanting to just touch my teeth... oh... toddler discoveries! |
Choo choo Sam! |
He tried my new shoes on and he found they were as uncomfortable as I did at the end of the day haha! |
Oh no! What did you do Sam?!? |
He wasn't a fan of trying on this snow suit I scored at the Multiple Sale. I still think he's adorable!!! C'mon! |
This is the way Zachary wanted to show his emotions today |
Moments before his face met the swing. You think he looks upset here? Poor dude. Oh yeah... Zachary is still down but looks a little less contorted right?!? |
Have a good week y'all!!!
xox MC

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