In my teacher life, it's my former students leaving me a note saying "We ♥ you" or a current student saying that it sucks that he has to change teachers after a term as he'd want to stay with me for the full year or yet another finally getting a concept right and knowing that I made a difference. It's my co-workers making my job a little easier by sharing their awesome activities and worksheet with me. It's my best work gals making it easier to leave my boys at home by offering a laugh, a hug or a getaway from the craziness that is my life.
In my wife life, it's my husband sending me an email saying how appreciative he is of all the things I do even if I think I sometimes suck at life. It's him understanding that being a working mom means that I now have to bring work at home and not getting angry if I'm too focused on work to interact with him. It's him supporting me by doing this weight loss/getting healthy business thing going.
In my family life, it's my family just kicking ass as a family. I wouldn't make it through this triplet adventure without them. It's my mom sewing the bottoms of my pants so I don't have to go get it done. It's my mom, my sister and my in-laws taking the boys so that Gab can get better and that I can go volunteer for a whole day. It's my father in law showing up this morning to cut our lawn. It's my mother helping Gabe take care of two of the boys while I take Jacob to the clinic. It's our country for being awesome and knowing that I can go to a clinic without worrying that we'll be out a few hundreds bucks.
In my mom life, it's Samuel saying "merci Maman", it's Zachary thinking I'm hilarious when I'm clearly not, it's Jacob needing me when he's sick. It's Samuel shouting out "EE-A-EE-A-O" (à la Old MacDonald) while trying to soothe his crying brother in their room. It's Zachary playing kitchen with my niece Gabrielle today. It's my niece Alexie running up and down the hall and hearing the boys laugh out loud with her. It's knowing that a kiss from me can make a booboo instantly better. It's seeing their face light up every morning when we walk in their room. It's their ever developing vocabulary. Even if Zachary's new word that sounds an awful lot like "shit" baffles us... It's putting the boys on the potty for the first time tonight and knowing that one day they'll be potty trained. (There wasn't any peeing or pooping of any kind but it's step one right?)
It's unexpectedly seeing friends at the park this morning and making it that much of a better morning.
It's the wine I'm drinking and the popcorn I'm eating.
It's Ed Sheeran's beautiful voice on the radio.
It's my poor little sickly Jacob finally falling asleep after calling my name for 10 minutes.
It's the chicken, the chili, the cut up carrots, the perfectly 1oz weighed cheese, the muffins and the protein balls in my fridge I was able to make (with the help of my previously mentioned awesome husband) that will make it easier for me to stay on my healthy track this week.
It's my friends noticing my weight loss and knowing that my efforts are paying off. It's putting on a pair of pants and feeling good about being in them. It's knowing that I'll soon rock a pair of jeans again.
It's hitting my Run for the Cure goal of 300$ and still getting more! (To donate: Run for the Cure - Team Cindy). It's knowing my sister is well enough to currently enjoy a NYC trip with her friends.
It's my amazing book club girls who have been there for me for the last 7 years and for Becky feeding me Nachos.
It's knowing that I will go to bed tonight, a little wine happy, with a wonderful husband by my side and the loves of my life sleeping not 10 feet away knowing that I will always be their #1 woman. (yep... even you evil daughters in law to be...). Unless they have daughters, then I will happily concede 1st place.
It's knowing that I've been writing this blog for over two years now (cray cray y'all!!! June 2013 was my first!! - Here it is: First Blog) and knowing that there are people out there I barely know who have been with me since day one, cheering me on (and sometimes even admitting they're glad it's my life and not
But as you know some little things aren't so great as you can imagine.... Here's the other side of the coin, to wipe your previously shed tears with some laughter...
It's starting the last sentence with a "but" knowing it'll make my English teacher friends crazy (sorry Mel & Hilary).
It's my husband buying two identical toy busses and a third not so identical causing WW3 in our living room after him being so excited to give them the busses he was so happy to find.
It's my husband being a man. (Enough said right ladies??)
It's my children being toddlers. (Enough said right mommas??)
It's me giving a little girl a cracker at the park today and ruining those parent's morning because all the little girl wanted after that was my crackers and wanted nothing to do with her normally loved fruit.
It's my friend Kevin turning on the water at the splash park this morning when all the boys were wearing were jeans, sneakers and t-shirts. (Meh, it's just water and they dried off eventually and loved it so no harm done).
It's knowing I'm only "allowed" one glass of this wine...
It's Zachary slipping in the bathtub and splitting open his chin (just a tiny bit) and biting his tongue in two places making me think he was going to bleed out of his mouth.
It's Jacob dropping his monkey soother on the floor and us having to go in the room to get it back to him and making the other two cry.
It's us thinking it would be a good idea to leash walk our boys to MacArthur's. Let's just say... it went. We made it there and back, through the rain, Zachary's 4 falls, Jacob hardly wanting to walk, Samuel always getting wrapped up and around Gabe and getting turned around 5 or 6 times. We had a good time nonetheless.
In the end, it's getting to be able to write this blog for another week knowing that my tripletville adventures are still going strong and my little family is safe and sound in my house.
Have a good week y'all... and please remember to enjoy all your little things because those are the ones you'll take for granted once they're no longer happening to you...
Here are some pics!
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Gabe downloaded this picture this week and I just saw it... I think it goes great with my blog topic. |
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My poor little dude with an ear infection... on penicillin for a week... |
What he doesn't know is that we took the actual pen out of this casing... that way he won't write all over the living room! |
This was pre sickness |
Sam's living through his terrible twos terribly |
♥ ♥ ♥ Mama love ♥ ♥ ♥ |
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My new computer background to show off at work... ♥ ♥ ♥ |
Cool Cat |
Trying on some underwear that Auntie Alicia gave us |
Jacob LOVES his Spiderman underwear |
They are going to be sooooooo cute in their little undies!!! Thanks Alicia! |
That's is for this week y'all! Have a good one!

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