First, let me go back to last week and say: Hurray for our new Prime Minister! How great is he right? And his new cabinet!!!! Check this out:

I don't remember the last time I was THIS interested in politics and THIS proud to be Canadian! His "it's 2015" answer to the journalist who questioned his reasons for choosing his new cabinet was like a mike drop on the world. It was great and it was like he was speaking for all of us who have been desperately searching for our voice in government. Welcome Mr. Trudeau!
Next, I want to prelude this blog by saying that my pre-Christmas celebrations is by no means meant to disrespect the many men and women who fought in our wars. I get to live in a free country and I get to be with my family and I got to help elect our new prime ministers because of their sacrifice. If you know me, you know that although I never served as these people did, I once proudly wore a uniform and I would proudly wear one again. We celebrate Christmas early so that my mother and step-father get to live a Christmas with their children and grand-children before they fly off to Florida for 5 months. They want to see the joy (or terror) on their grand babies' faces when they see Santa; they want to see their reaction as they open their gifts and lastly, they want to enjoy a great family get together before they head off into the sunshine. So if I have offended anyone, please know that this was not our intention and we will be sure to honor those who serve and have served.
Life with nearly two year old toddlers is, as you can imagine, always full. Full of laughter, full of tears, full of adventures and full of love. The time change didn't really affect them too much because they have been sleeping until past 7 on the weekends anyway. What did affect them was toddlerhood! Can you say terrible twos are knocking at our door? Every day we are dealing with biting, pushing, pulling, kicking, slapping and many other "ing" verbs... For those of you who are quick to give advice on how to raise our toddlers, trust me we've tried your method. We've tried them all. It's like the people who tell me that the reason I don't like salmon is because I haven't tried it the way THEY cook it. No, I really don't believe that anyone else could do a better job at dealing with three brothers of the same age than we are doing now. I'm not saying we're perfect but we're certainly not horrible at it. We are trying the positive reinforcement. I've never sounded so corny to my myself as I do when I'm praising them for being good boys and playing good and "oh, look at Zachary how he's eating his yogourt and not throwing it all over the floor" and "good job for playing like a normal human and not like a mini hulk going through his first transformation". Of COURSE I don't use those exact words... We also do Super Nanny's version of time outs where we put them somewhere after explaining what they did wrong and then going to see them, getting them to acknowledge what they did and then hugging them to tell them we still love while making sure our bodies are at their level. Trust me, we're trying it all. And of course, every once in a while the inevitable "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAMUEL DON'T THROW TOY CARS AT YOUR BROTHER, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" comes out of our mouths. Maybe if we had different age kids we could try to reason with the older one but since Zachary is only older by a minute, I'm not sure reasoning with the older one would make a difference. The good news is that they mostly only bite each other even at daycare... lol.
I don't want you to think that our house is always tantrums and chaos because there is also a LOT of love and laughter. They love each other soooo much. When one is crying, you can normally see two other boys coming quickly to give them kisses or patting them on the head or back. They love to chase one another up and down the hall while laughing their hearts out. Their current favourite thing is dancing in our arms. Samuel sings from morning to night. Jacob is always trying to make us laugh and Zachary is always at the play kitchen cooking us up something wonderfully imaginary that we all must try. The joy in their faces when they opened their gift of a toy puppy was amazing to see. I can't wait to give them a real one! (Secretly hoping we get Roxy back... I know it can't happen but a girl can dream...). They are adding words to their vocabulary daily and repeating us like parrots. Some of the best times I have with my boys is when the TV is off, nothing but background music is playing and we're all on the floor, I'm on my back and they're all over me and we're laughing our bums off. Of course, this often leads to pushing, biting and hitting, but for the most part, we have a great time. I also love our morning dance parties.
My life might be full of craziness but it's our craziness and I wouldn't trade it for the world. To those of you who look at me and say I'm crazy, I say yes but I love it. To those of you who say that you'd rather die than have triplets, I say that I'd rather die than not have them. They are my everything and I am so very lucky to have been blessed with my three boys, my great supportive husband, my incredible family (my mother spent 3 HOURS CLEANING MY HOUSE on Friday!!!!!!!!!!! hello Merry Early Christmas is right!!! LOVE YOU MOM!!!) and in-laws who allow our lives to be normal and friends who have always been there for me.
And now here are some pics of the week:
Old sink |
New sink! Thanks husband! Gabriel changed my old gross bathroom sink this week. My bathroom has not really been liveable for the last few weeks due to the stacking of the washer and dryer and this sink replacement but thankfully it was almost all back to normal in time for us to host the Christmas party. |
Bare wall |
Using geometry to create perfect isosceles triangle (and my students wonder why I teach them this stuff!) |
Garland! |
Finished product all ornamented up! |
Eating some cake for uncle Eric's birthday |
Colouring fun! |
Trying on some singing hats at Walmart |
Zachary and Jacob are trying to find the button to make it play again |
Fun times at the sports dome for the Moncton Multiples event! |
Sam is LOVING it! |
So is Zachary |
Jacob, being my little monkey, spent a lot of time on his knees in there as he was jumping all over the place! |
Down the slide head first! |
Listening to some radio... how cute is he? |
Keeping up with technology |
This is the way he wanted them on his head |
Jacob wanted to go play outside with his uncle Jeff. First he brought him boots, then his coat and then his tuque. Jeff got the hint and got down in the leaves with Jacob. |
Opening their present from Mamie and Papie! |
PUPPIES!!! They bark and wiggle all around! The boys LOVE THEM! Thanks xoxoxox |
My nephew Arthur was some glad when the boys went to bed! He could play with all their toys! |
He especially loved the kitchen and their little toy car. |
Tree selfie! I love how our faces are getting skinnier in our selfies! |
My other Christmas decorations. |
Add caption |
I got this pillow covers at the DOLLORAMA if you can believe it!! |
Sam and Arthur with mamie |
All the boys together. Arthur is 6 months younger than the boys and borrowed a PJ that is too big for my sons lol. |
Zachary got some socks in his gift and he wanted to put them on right away! |
Cute little puppy |
Hi Sam |
My brother in law Eric dressed up as Santa and did such a great job! |
Zachary wasn't so sure |
Arthur was not a happy camper |
Isn't it a right of passage to cry on Santa's lap though? |
Santa had a crush on my sister... |
Merry early Christmas from all of us |
I wish you all a great week!
May our children never forget what you have helped create |
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