One of the most common comments I get is: "I don't know how you do it, you're so brave". First let me say that there was nothing brave about having triplets, it's not like I chose this. Sure, I may have chosen to go to a fertility clinic but walking down those halls of successes where happy singleton and few twin babies smiled at me surely didn't prepare me for this life. Of course, we may have been brave when we chose to go ahead with the procedure when they told us there was a small chance of twins but beyond that was out of our control. And how I do it? With a village. I wish I could have taken a picture of my amazing family tonight as we all gathered around to celebrate the boys' birthday. I got teary eyed just looking at them and feeling the immense love emanated towards our children. My mother, the snow bird, is leaving on Tuesday for 5 months and as weird as it may sound, I hope I don't have to call her home for those 5 months. She's in need of a break. Two years ago, she was only gone for one night when I called to tell her that I was being admitted with a chance of delivery so she rushed home on the next flight. Last year my sister's demon came to haunt us and my mother came home to help my sister fight the fight of her life. This year, we want her to stay away for 5 whole months and simply be a grandma on Facetime. For the last two years my mother has made the "once a mother, always a mother" saying take a deeper meaning and I'm so ever thankful to have been gifted with her as a mother. I hope I can repay her one day and maybe, just maybe, I can be half the mom to my children as she has been to us. Take your well deserved sunny break Maman, we'll miss you, but you need it. I'm not too worried about my mom being away because my in laws are wonderful and are always there for us at the drop of a hat. Even my sister, being as busy with her own children and life, will be there the moment I need her. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by people who love us and our boys almost as much as we do and I really don't know how we COULD do it without them. Our life would not resemble what it does today. I would not be able to live the semi-normal social life I live and I would not be able to keep up this blog because I'd most certainly be crying in a corner somewhere banging my head against the wall. Of course, we are the ones who are the most often alone with our boys but when we need a break, we know there's always one coming soon. So thank you.
I have to say though that our babies turning into toddlers isn't quite the cray cray I was expecting. Sure, we have daily tantrums to deal with and sure we are often running around like chickens with our heads cut off because of how busy they are but I have to say that we did good with those kids so far. I believe our kids are pretty well behaved children. Well maybe except for the pushing, shoving, biting, pinching and tantrum throwing because Zachary wants the OTHER tractor that Jacob is holding that is the exact replica of the one Samuel is trying to give him... but for the most part, they're pretty damn adorable. Examples of them being the cutest things of life lately: Jacob giving his daycare friend his family album box to try to soothe him because he's crying; Zachary always showing such deep concern when his brothers cry but also imitating us when we scold one of his brothers; Samuel always in the mood to dance in our arms and sing his little heart out (his current favorite is the ABC song or Tinkle Tinkle); it's Jacob wanting a high five every time he does something good or Zachary wanting to clean up his messes (sometimes creating some on purpose so he can clean them); it's Sam telling his brothers to go Dodo at nap time (even though Jacob can't hear him because he's crying his heart out) and Zachary waking up and calling out his brothers' names to see who's awake and being super happy when they answer. It's every new word that comes out of their mouths... Jacob has recently started repeating my "Holy Moly" and it's too freaking adorable! The transition from baby to toddler isn't always easy but we are making the most of it and taking it all in because they'll never be this young or this cute again. Sure they make us want to bang our head against the wall when they're acting all crazy like and screaming their heads off every morning when all we want to do is put their goddamn boot on or pretend they don't exist when they wake up after napping for only 45 mins but the moment we see their amazing little smiles, all the crazy stuff melts away and we fall in love all over again.
On that note... here is an insane amount of pictures from the past week... enjoy!
Samuel and Zachary are not in the same order but you can still see the difference a year makes! |
Having some yummy PB at their birthday breakfast |
Our very first actual meal out as a family of five without extended family. Thanks Homestead, you treated us like we were family! |
Dinner and a movie out with my two favorite ladies. I'll miss you Maman! Be safe... xox |
Spontaneous birthday playdate with our twin pals: Xavier and Max Ho. Here Zachary is trying to take back the ball he had just given to his new friend. |
Sam chilling with Max (right Kelly?) |
Aside from a filter, this picture is totally genuine! I was hiding behind Gab and playing Coucou (peekaboo). This was the second picture he took. The rest are all fails. I'm so glad he captured this one! On top of it all, those TWO shirts have been travelling around the triplet world and they'll be shipped next week to the next family! |
Rainy birthday trip to Wal-Mart |
My pinterest fail |
According to my sister, I clearly had to wait until they were partly cooked... clearly! lol |
Jacob had an alone grocery date with Maman and Papa this morning. He was such a good little helper. |
Some snuggles with Mamie |
Look at that FACE!!!! |
Naked Cheerio time |
Missing thing 1... |
Small preview of our Christmas shoot. |
How cute are they in their little PJ's? |
We had to take away the balls when they started eating them... |
There goes my background |
I catch my snuggles when I can! |
Birthday balloons they woke up to |
More of the play date |
So many little people! |
Saying goodbye to their little buddies |
Looks like Samuel took that selfie! |
Gift festivities begin! |
If you're wondering what happened to his eye, Zachary did... |
Thomas! |
What's in here? |
Big blue chair! |
Zachary is a big fan of the big blue chair! |
Rotary play phones!! |
ELMO!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Still in his chair |
Three Elmos... I'm not sure we'll replace the batteries when they run out! |
Tried to recapture last year's magic. Wasn't quite the same but they're still cute as all getout! |
The boys HATE being dirty so 90% of this was them telling us they wanted us to wash their hands. |
I'm pretty sure that's not how you chair Samuel |
The boys lounging while watching some Baby Babble |
Look at how comfy he is! |
When the boys are sleeping, the Elmos will play... |
It's been quite a weekend my friends... I'm off to sleep it all away...
xox MC
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