Unfortunately, contrary to what my week's title might imply, I can't go into details about my night with the multiple moms because of the Vegas rule but I can say that we had a great time! How lucky are we that simply because we had multiples, we get to hang out with a bunch of women with whom we have nothing in common but the fact that our bodies gave us multiple babies to carry at once. After meeting we of course realized that we have more in common than just our babies but we never would have realized that had we not had a group that got us together. We get together once a month normally but once a year, we rent a huge chalet and spend one or two nights away from our hubbies and babies and go wild! Well some of us did... but I can't go into details! It was great to get away and to be able to spend time with some awesome women and of course, two of my very best of friends. Don't worry, I didn't leave my husband completely alone with the three boys. My in laws came early on Saturday to help him out and my mother came to take Samuel away for the night after his nap on Saturday. He did have them all morning until he came to get me at around 10 this morning. He took them for a drive and spent some quality time with Zachary and Jacob. It was great to see them and I know it may sound weird but I swear they grew up in 24 hours! Jacob looked so much older to me! haha... I just can't believe that by next week's blog, my boys will be TWO!!!!!!!!!!!! It was great to get away but I loved being back with my family.
Today we also went to a Prematurity awareness event to support parents of preemies and help promote prematurity in general. We had a mom of twins who delivered her boys at 29 weeks read a poem, we had Jenna talk about the day and our plan, I talked about the formation of a Moncton Preemie Power committee, we had preemie parents sing a funny song about life in the NICU at night and then we finished with one of our own neonatologist talk about how the hospital is very interested in keeping the parents really involved with the babies in the NICU. It was a great event. We're going to try to grow it more and more every year to spread awareness to more than just the parents who are already aware haha!
On the home front, we've been having a hard time with Jacob and his sleep. We had to go back to sleep training and trust me, sleep training a two year old is not fun so if you haven't slept trained yet and you have a toddler, the time is now because it only gets harder!! Poor little buddy now cries and alternates between yelling Papa and Maman and it's super hard to hear. Also, his brothers don't get the sleep they need either... We actually had to bring him in bed with us on Thursday night just so that we (including his brothers) could get some sleep! We don't like doing that because we don't want it to become a habit but at the same time, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. We weren't going to do it again on Friday so Gab took it upon himself to sleep train (yes, that means cry it out all you haters). He went in every 10 minutes to make sure Jacob knew that he was loved but that it was time to sleep. It took about an hour but he finally got the message. That was it though guys, that ONE night. Although he didn't sleep a wink at nap time yesterday while I was gone, he hardly cried last night and today for his nap, he went down without a peep and they slept for TWO HOURS!!! We haven't had a two hour nap window in months! I didn't know what to do with myself! When you're not used to it anymore, you're scared to start something because you know that the moment you get your hands into a project, someone will wake up and your project gets left half done. So I just sat there and watched HGTV and waited for the first cry. The actually woke up happy! This was a good day folks! They also all went down tonight without a fight and happy go lucky wanting kisses after kisses. So yes, sleep regression is a thing that I hope was just a small phase for Jacob and if you deal with it right away, you can help make it better.
On Wednesday morning we went to my mom's house to hang out so that Gab could have some time alone to get stuff done. Also, I figured since I was leaving during the weekend, I could give him some time to himself. We had so much fun playing with phones and Christmas decorations and running around outside. The boys just LOVE going over to Mamie and Pappy's house.
The boys are so much fun at this age. Of course, we have our toddler tantrum moments, but we are getting better at understanding where they're coming from and dealing with them. If only life was as you see in the commercials with all those happy giggling toddlers... sounds like a blog topic for another night as I have a Subway sub waiting for me and a wonderful bed calling my name.
I'm going to leave with you some pics! Warning... most of them are of the boys trying Nutella for the first time because they were so damn cute!
Having a yogourt snack at Mamie's with their favorite dancing Père Noël |
Having a ride with Pappy |
They didn't move an inch the whole time they loved it (even if Sam's face doesn't show it... lol) |
My cupboard was a space waster |
So my husband built me a two tiered pull out shelf unit |
It's great! |
This is Jacob all snuggled up to me on Thursday night. Trust me, I ADORE those snuggles but I have to think of our long term goals... |
This was a picture of the boys this morning blowing me kisses |
And the Nutella fun begins... |
Sam enjoying his ride on Winston's Frankeinstened Ride on Lawnmower he built for the boys |
He loved life as a singleton for a little while |
Mel and I at the retreat xx |
My BFFs who also happen to be multiple moms! How great is that? Love you Alicia and Mel... xx |
All the crazy moms of multiples! I'm obviously loving life... lol |
Until next week y'all! xox
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