Sunday, November 10, 2013

Week 30 ~ Itchy & Scratchy Show

This week I had a doctor's appointment with the specialist for a growth scan and all babies are doing great and Gabe said "Way to cervix babe!" (still holding strong).  Baby A is just shy of 3lbs at 2lb 15oz, most likely 3lbs by now, Baby B is 3lbs 1oz and Baby C is 2lb 11oz.  It's getting harder and harder to get their measurements as Baby A & B have decided to hide their heads almost directly in my vagina and Baby C is trying to give himself some room, bum in the air (hence the big bump of last week's post) with his head directly under my left rib, so that's pleasant!  They're all growing at about the same rate, so now I have about 9lbs of baby in my belly, not counting the extra stuff.  I waddle so much, I'd officially need a walker just to get to my bathroom!  I can hardly shower now, my lower back hurts sooooo much.  In just a week, I went from having to sit down immediately after my shower to having to sit mid-way through...  Gabe actually got me a shower chair.... I haven't used it yet, I don't want to, I know I'm being stubborn, but I just hate the feeling of being so defeated by this pregnancy.  My doctors have prescribed a blood thinner which comes in the form of a shot that I'll have to give myself daily. (haha..yeah right, I think hubby will have to do that while I close my eyes...).  This is because I am so immobile now that my blood is not circulating well enough and that could cause blood clots, which is NOT something you want.

My body has decided it wasn't enough to give me stretch marks that could rival the Grand Canyon, it also wanted to give me a rash.  No one knows what it is, even the specialist had to take out a book to compare my rash to pictures and she still wasn't sure... so now I'm using every cream I know to try and stop the itch. You know the feeling of having a mosquito bite itch that you just can't help but scratch?  Well I have that pretty much on my whole body... now skip ahead if you're disgusted easily as I'm about to give you a preview...

Lovely, isn't it?  I'm sorry if this is too graphic, but for those of you expecting triplets, just know that this pregnancy can bring on the weirdest things!  This is all over my belly and my legs too :(

A doctor friend of mine thinks it may be eczema, so I'm trying some of that cream too.  Anyways, it just sucks because I wake up scratching and you know, once you start, you can't stop!  The worse was last night, it was my toes that were itchy... well let me tell you, scratching your toes when you're 45 weeks pregnant is not an easy task!  I'm seeing my OB on Tuesday so maybe she'll have another solution.

I've also learned this week how valuable water & diet is in a pregnancy... I had the WORSE acid reflux for like a whole day and night and another day so I did some research, drank tonnes of water and very carefully watched my diet and it's pretty much gone!  I blame it on the McD's I ate and the dehydration it gave me.

On a positive note, I had a great visit with one of my besties this week!  She's one of those friends who I can be 100% myself with so I didn't even have to be entertaining or try to look presentable.... trust me, she's plenty entertaining on her own and she knows just how to make my day shine a little brighter, thanks Jo! xox

Gabe and I went to Babies R' Us last night to get the rest of the small items we needed for the babies.  These are items that I'm sure people would have been more than happy to get for us, but there's a controlling anal part of me that needed to go, and also I felt like I hadn't bought my own babies anything from me.  We got lucky and got a super close Expectant Mother parking, I got in the wheelchair and away we went.  The total at the cash made us realize how lucky we are to have such amazing people around us who have given/bought us stuff. Thanks friends and family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   We bought enough bottles for one day's formula supply...wait for it... 24 bottles!!!!  Crazy isn't it?  We didn't have to buy 24, we already had many given to us, but it's crazy to think we're going to go through 24 bottles a day!!!  We worked on the baby room some more today and I think I finally feel ready for the babies to be here.  As much as I know they have to stay in to grow more, I can't help but think: GROW QUICK I NEED YOU OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The doctor think I might go another 6 weeks.... AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home stretch now folks! Thanks for all your support!!

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