Sunday, June 1, 2014

Solids ~ To eat or not to eat

So Tuesday night, after getting the ok from the boys' paediatrician, we gave them their first taste of cereal... Here is the result:

You can see it on video on our Youtube Channel (

It took Samuel one bite to realize he liked this new event in his life. He would've eaten a whole cup had I not stopped feeding him. Jacob was not sure and just kept pushing it out with his tongue and Zachary gagged everytime I tried giving him a little bit. I gave them cereal for three days to make sure they weren't allergic and I gave them chicken last night. They weren't fans; not even Samuel. Maybe it was too dry/chewy?? I don't know, but we'll try again tonight and see how it goes! I'm excited to try all new foods with the boys and see how they like them. Hopefully Zachary will stop gagging soon and learn to enjoy food as much as his mommy and daddy do! (Well maybe not as much, we don't want pillsbury dough boys running around).

UPDATE: We tried chicken again tonight and Zachary and Jacob really liked it. Samuel, on the other hand, was not having it. His face got excited everytime the spoon came near, I'm thinking because he thought it was yummy cereal, but then it got all twisted up when he realized the spoon was filled with, yet again, yucky chicken! haha... He must have done this for 5 spoonfuls until he realized that his cereal dream was over and that mean mommy would just keep giving him chicken and that's when he lost it. I wanted to take a picture but Gabe found me cruel... I thought it was funny. (C'mon, baby with a face full of chicken gunk losing it, that's funny!)

We are going to continue introducing new foods this week. My ped said to wait a week between each new food, my home health nurse and the new canada guidelines book she left me says 24 hours and my mother, sister and other friends who've introduced solids before all said they waited like 3 days so that's what I'm going by. Eventually, I'll probably just wait a day. I gotta say that this week was the first time since they've come home that I've felt completely LOST! I've never had a baby before so obviously I've never introduced solids before and I wasn't really given specific instructions. I'm not that great with vague instructions so I was feeling really overwhelmed with not knowing when to give what and how much. There are so many varying and contradicting opinions/suggestions/research that I just didn't know what would be best for my boys. I asked a few friends and my amazing friends came through and eased my worries a bit. My friend Alicia even sent me an Excel spreadsheet with what she fed on what day and how much. I've printed it and I'm using it for a guideline and it's saved me (thanks Alicia!! xx)

So many adventures this week! We went to visit my friend Julie and her 2 month old twins Lucas and Lexie. She made me lunch and my babies even slept in the twins' cribs! They'll sleep pretty much anywhere if they're tired I guess!

We also went to the park with Mamie this week and Jacob finally got to try the swings. He wasn't too sure and only enjoyed it if he was able to hold on to my fingers while doing it.

 On Friday, we went to an annual event at my school that raises money for underprivileged kids.  The next few years, it'll be much more fun as the boys might be able to partake in the activities but we went anyways to see the students and my co-workers.  It was really nice to spend time with all of them.  

My friend Alicia and Josée who are both expecting girls.  Alicia is expecting two girls at the end of August and Josée is expecting her little Dia at the end of THIS MONTH!!!  The joke is that they are growing wives for the boys! haha
Finally, we went to the zoo on Saturday to meet up with a bunch of other multiple families for one of the Moncton Multiples events (we were the only triplets even though there are now 4 sets in the Moncton Multiples group!!).  We were hoping to copy a youtube video we watched when we were expecting triplets about another triplet family's trip to the zoo and how much they looked like an exhibition themselves!  I don't know if it was the fact that the zoo was filled with multiples, the fact that it wasn't overly busy or the fact that people are just more reserved in Moncton but it really wasn't that bad.  We had a few comments, but they were all really nice and respectful.  Of course, I forgot to take a picture of the boys' first time at the zoo but I did take a picture of my nieces who came with us.  (Someone DID ask if we had two other kids which would be a LOT of kids...haha)

My "two other kids" at the zoo...xox
Before we left for the zoo, I slathered the boys with sunscreen and I think Jacob, who loves rubbing his own face, got some sunscreen in his eye and triggered a reaction.  By the time we left for the zoo, his eye was all red and puffy.  We put a cold compress on his eye and left, hoping for the best.  We got to the zoo and it had seemed to get worse.  Two of my friends advised me against going to the clinic/hospital saying that there's not much they would do there so we should just wait it out.  We decided to do just that but keep a close eye on it (no pun intended... is it even a pun?).  Thankfully, it got better within a 1/2 hour.  My sister brought me some Aveeno sunscreen today so hopefully that'll be better than the inexpensive cheap stuff I bought!  So speaking of things my sister brought us...

How cool is that?!?  Don't mind the non-mowed lawn... there's not much time when you're raising triplets... If you're feeling generous, c'mon over and mow for us!! haha... It's not quite put together yet but it should be ready by next weekend.  They also brought us three kid swings that the boys will, I'm sure, love!  I can't wait to try it out!!  It was given to my sister for the girls about 7 years ago and now it's coming to us!  The boys will have so much fun with this!  We are even going to be able to fill the bottom part with sand so they'll have a little sand box to play with.  Thanks sis (and Eric I guess...haha).  

Funny story... we told our family this week that we had chosen not to baptise the boys.  We are not the religious types and we figure if the boys want to follow a faith when they are older, they can choose the faith they want and be baptized in the faith if they so wish.  Anyways... when we told my family, my niece immediately said:  "ARE THEY GONNA GET POLIO??" She thought we had said that we weren't going to immunise them!  In French, it sounds kinda similar so I can see where she heard wrong but it was such a random question that we all burst out laughing and she was so confused poor girl!  

So Gabe wanted to contribute to this week's blog so here goes....
On Saturday, after the zoo, two of the babies were sleeping and Sam was awake. I had some errands to run and told MC I would take Sam with me so she can have a little piece and quiet. The trip made me realise how different it is taking care of 3 babies vs 1 baby. Here's an example of what getting triplets ready to go out can be like. Mind you it's not always like this scenario. Gather all three car seats. Get Zach dressed. Meanwhile Sam threw up on himself while waiting. Clean up Sam and now Zach spit up. Clean him off while Jacob cries. Put Zach in the car seat....forgot to put the handle down and bump his head on it while putting him in. Go see Jacob who is crying and Zach starts crying. Get Sam and Jacob dressed and put them on the playmats to go swing Zach in his car seat so he can stop crying. He's asleep now....put Jacob In the car seat. He seems fine. Put Sam in the car seat and I think we're good to Jacob pooped... take Jacob out to change him while Sam spits up again... enough to warrant a shirt change....finish changing Jacob now change Sam and put him back in the car seat. Load them up In the van and we're ready to go....wait...Jacob is still in the house. (OK....that last part never happened...yet). You get the picture. Like I said it's not always like that. A lot of times it goes really well and smooth. But on the days it's not so smooth that's how it feels. Today when I left with Sam it was put Sam in car seat...put seat In car... leave.

I gotta say, he's pretty dead on! I was reading his blurb and it really sounds like most of my outings! haha... It IS a hoopla getting them out the door, but it's so worth it once we do! They sleep much better at night (although they are super tired and cranky earlier than normal when we do) but are in really good spirits most of the days we have outings. I try to get out as much as I can now that the nice weather is out. It's sad that I can't carry all three of them on me because I feel like I'm missing out on fun mommy group outings. My friend has been posting amazing hiking pictures that she's been taking with her little girl and it makes me super envious of the things I can't do with the boys. Hiking isn't really a reality with triplets unless I have to friends who happen to have a day off and who happen to not have kids who happen to want to come hiking... haha... RIGHT! It's ok, once they get older and I don't have to carry them everywhere, the boys will experience the world! (Well the world we can afford...haha).

Pictures of the week:

At the park with Mamie

I'm cool

Loving the sunshine!

They each have their own exercauser!  It takes a lot of room, but it also gives momma some breathing room! 

Having a nap at the school event.  Auntie Josée who is taller than Mommy, protecting us from the sun.  Thanks!!

Sam enjoying Alexie's face! 
MMA style fighting... I think Gabe called it "the armbar"... whatever that is.. haha! Jacob doesn't seem too happy


Jacob got his revenge and stole Sam's teething toy
It was so warm today that Zach decided to go shirtless! 

Poor Sam isn't liking being the middle child! 

Daddy playing some guitar for the boys.  They are finally starting to appreciate it! 

Jacob keeps trying to eat his own reflection

Jacob's first faux-hawk

Zachary has been such a happy baby this week!  He was my LEAST grumpy!  I guess he wanted to prove me wrong!  What a beautiful smile! 

Alexie & Gabrielle with Sam

If this woman hadn't been born, none of these precious children (including my sister and I) would have been in the world.  She's a great Mamie to her 5 (+ a new step one) grandchildren.  The girls adore her and the boys are always happy to see her (as am I!!)

Jacob and Sam playing with Mémère & Pépère Arsenault (Gabe's parents) who are also a huge help to us! 
Have a good week y'all!!

In honor of the beautiful beach weather...

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