Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 10 ~ Maternal Fetal Care

Week 10

    Here we are at week 10!! Had an appointment this morning with the maternal fetal care clinic at the Moncton City Hospital and let me tell you... this experience was MUCH better than the experience we had at the fertility clinic.  Dr. Gaudet (LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!) explained all the risks involved in keeping the triplets but she also explained that there are risks to reduction as well.  The moment we told her that our decision had been made that we were going to give our three little ones a chance, she said fine, so that's that and don't let anyone talk to you about reduction again!  We are going to treat you as a triplet mom and that's what it is!  It was great relief to feel that someone (in the medical field) was on our side!  She answered all our questions without judgement and was so nice!!!!!!!!
    The babies are tri-tri (This means 3 gestational sacs and 3 amniotic sacs. They are usually fraternal but can be identical).  This is a good thing for the babies' future and chance at survival.  The sacs looked great, the doctor said they all had lots of fluid and the linings all looked good.  All three measured in line with me and their heartbeats were good ( ~ 165). I don't really know what that means, but they said it was good :-).   They are doing great!!

Week 10 Day 2 - Looking good babies!!!
I am feeling better and better although my pre-natal vitamin made me throw up this morning, first time I throw up in this pregnancy, didn't really enjoy it... haha!   I can drink more water now, I don't feel sick ALL day long, just a few times a day when I haven't eaten in a while.  I'm to start taking more vitamins to account for the ones I can't eat in a day (200g of protein is hard to eat in ONE DAY!!! hehe).  I'm reading the book "Twins, Triplets and Quadruplets" by Dr. Luke, it's really good and my doctor said it was a good reference book.  It's nice to already be informed before you go in for your first appointment as not only do you know which questions to ask but also understand the words that are coming out of the doctor's mouth!! 


Week 10 - Getting big fast!!!

We decided that since everything is going well, we were going to share our happy news with the public! I started with the staff at my school... the reaction was a mix of gasps, laughter, panic moments, and silence.  I felt like a celebrity after...haha!  They were all so supportive as everyone has been so far!  We have a staff supper with Gabe's work, he's going to tell the rest of his crew tonight.   We are also going to make it Facebook official... barrage of comments coming our way!  Here's how we're going to announce it...

Next appointment in three weeks... stay tuned!!

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