Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week 16 ~ Home Renos!

Week 16... technically, according to average, I'm about halfway through this triplet pregnancy, it's crazy to think that in 4 short months I could be holding my whole family in my arms... well except Gab, that would just be too much! haha! So this week my mom came to help me paint the babies' room, it's starting to look so good!!  Thanks Mom!
White wainscoting and dark grey up top, my vision includes lots of bright colors :-)
I'm feeling the pregnancy more and more this week.  It's really enjoyable, don't get me wrong, it's really neat to know that I'm growing three little avocados in my belly, but it's already starting to incapacitate me and that's the annoying part.  I have a hard time getting off the couch without almost rolling over on the floor to do so, my waddle is becoming more prominent, my feet hurt after 5 minutes of standing and my lower back hurts after 5 minutes of walking.  I went to work for two full 8 hour days at the best Bridal Boutique ever (INSERTING BELLA PROMESSA PLUG HERE) and I sure am glad I'm not going back to teaching in September. After 3 hours at the shop, my kankles were in full effect and I had to sit down all the time! We were so busy Saturday, thankfully I had a helper :)  I'm feeling much better as far as food wise, last week I regressed a bit, but I'm back to normalcy this week.  I can eat pretty much anything and feel fine after. I got my first stretch marks... :-(  I know I know, I'll get some oil and rub my belly, but I'm bound to get many more... I'm sleeping a bit better, still tossing from left to right to ease my hips one at a time, but I'm sleeping pretty much through the night which is great! We bought a King Size bed, man those things are HUGE!!! Just to give me a good night kiss, Gab has to roll like 10 times to get to me! haha!!  It'll be nice to have when the munchkins get here and start walking and jump in our bed because they're scared of the thunder storms! 

Today, we went on a boat ride, and with the wedding only 2 weeks away and all the work that needs to be done with that and the home renos, I felt like I was on vacation for the first time this summer, it was amazing to be out on the water!  The boat rocked a bit and the babies got a good scramble, but we all had so much fun!

I still haven't felt them move or anything, but I hear/read it's suppose to be soon, I can't wait!!! Or according to some of my friends, maybe I can because once they start kicking, the sleeping will get worse! haha... I actually don't care if they keep me up, at least I'll know they're in there doing ok! 

3 sleeps until we find out the genders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT to find out what's in my belly!!! Not that it matters at all, it'll just be nice to know :-).  13 sleeps for the rest of you, which is also my wedding day!! Everything great is happening! 

Busy week ahead... tomorrow is my dress fitting (cross our fingers that it'll all work out...) more wedding preps with friends on Tuesday, hair trial and stuff on Wednesday, more house stuff with my mom on Thursday, RELAX on Friday, my awesome friend Meg's Shower on Saturday (oh and Gab's bachelor party day/night) and another work day on Sunday (which I'm glad for as I won't be home to see Gab recover... haha)

Until next time.... xox
16 weeks, 49" wide :-)
Babies are suppose to double in size in the next two weeks!! EEEK!!!!

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