Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week 17 ~ Wedding T-6 days!

I'm so glad the wedding is coming soon... I'm just not sure how much more running around this body can handle!  My feet hurt constantly!  They're not used to carrying around about 75 more pounds than they're meant to! I'm not saying that I gained 75 lbs, I'm saying that I had some to lose before the pregnancy so add the baby weight gain and my feet are about to blow up, it's like putting a watermelon on top of a water balloon, a little more pressure and POW! They're currently looking like hobbit feet minus all the hair!

I'm really looking forward to the wedding though; finally being able to call Gabe my husband (although it'll be weird at first... it's just going to be awesome); hanging out with my awesome family that I only get to see at big family events like once a year (if that!); seeing all my friends and loved ones gathered in one place, it's going to rock!  With about 250 of us, we're going to blow the roof of the rec center!! I think most of everything is ready... I kind of forgot about the flowers though... oops!! If the flower shop can't get our bouquets done on time, you might see me walking down the aisle with a Dollarama special.  My ring no longer fits me, so I bought a fake one at Aldo, I may have gone a little too far with the fake bling, but hey, why not?

I worked my last shift at Bella Promessa today (  After a little over 3 years, it's really sad to say goodbye to a job I loved, but I have to follow doctor's orders!!  I'm going to miss my Bella family!

We are starting to purge more and more stuff in the house, we've donated lots to the Salvation Army, given away items that we just have no more room for, and continuing to look for ways to increase our storage.  Since we rent out the basement, we really have no room to store anything, so all the nooks and crannies where you normally store those "maybe one day we'll have need of it" items are now being liberated to make room for "where the hell am I going to put this toy?" spots.

My mother has been an amazing help these last few weeks, she helped me paint our guest bedroom, the baby room, she did a huge (much needed) cleaning of the bathroom (she even cleaned the walls! Way to go Mom!) and has basically been helping me getting the house ready for the babies to come.  Yes, they are still probably 4 months away from being here, but in about a month, I will not be very mobile so while I'm still somewhat on my feet, I wanted to get most of it done and help out as much as I could.  Gabe has been pretty amazing too... installing the wainscoting, re-organizing our porch area, tending to me when I just can't get off the couch (also laughing at me when I'm stuck there and telling me that I have to figure it out because he won't always be around to help me up).  He thinks it's really funny to see me roll around until I land on all fours on the floor in order to get off our, what seemed amazing at the time of purchase, super comfy, cozy, soft couch... yeah real funny babe, really funny...

So we found out the babies' genders this week!! It's really hard keeping it to ourselves!! People keep asking us if at least we're happy, of course we're happy! It wasn't a question of happy or not, it was more of a curiosity thing.  Now I feel closer to them, being able to talk to them, feeling like I know them just that much more... I still haven't felt them kick but baby C, which is supposed to be the one I'll feel first, is the laziest one of the bunch... always just laying on his/her back, chilling around while his/her siblings are throwing a ho-down down below.  My pregnancy app is telling me that they're starting to hear sounds this week, so that's pretty cool too, knowing that they can start recalling my voice.  I would sing to them, but they might hate me coming out of the womb so I'll leave that job to their daddy.

week 17 - 50"
Leggings are my best friends... 

Next week... wedding details!!! I might be a little delayed as we're going on a mini getaway after the wedding.