Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 26 - Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving... I had a moment this week where I felt overwhelmed, yet again, and very thankful for people surrounding us during our journey and I will steal the Facebook status I wrote and share it here:

"So I rembember early on in my pregnancy dreaming that Ellen would help us with with the triplets, but little did we know that we had our own Ellens in our own backyard... Rest assured people that when push comes to shove in your life that there are people who would do anything to help you... We don't know what we ever did to deserve such love and support, but to our "Ellens", we thank you.... and words are simply not enough... know that we will pay it forward as much as we can. Gabe and I are truly blessed and we will make sure our sons are the kind of people who are as generous as you all have been..."

We have been given many many things, some have been big, some have been small, but all were from the heart and we couldn't be more appreciative of it ALL.

Some of the things we were given this week were a playpen, 2 big bags of clothes, our triplet stroller and a dishwasher, installed and ready to go... I'm telling you, people's generosity never ends!  The folks who gave us the playpen, upon realizing that the product was discontinued and wouldn't be sold in stores anymore, called around the Toys R Us stores in the region, found a display model in St John, drove to get it in St John, built it that same night in their kitchen and surprised us with it the next day.  The triplet stroller came from a friend who is away who just wishes she could be with us more and is doing as much as she can to help us from away (she doesn't know how much she actually DID help).  The dishwasher comes from people who I've know for about 5 years now and I've always known how very generous these people are and we are just so blessed to have them in our lives.  We were going to get a portable dishwasher because our kitchen countertops are too short to be able to fit a standard dishwasher, but this guy, genius contractor that he is, said that wasn't good enough and is going above and beyond to make sure we have a real dishwasher in our kitchen. Amazing!!  My mom and my sister are coming over today and we're having a cook off... Lasagnas, Spaghetti Sauce, Shepard's pies, and egg rolls.  That way, all we'll have to do, is pop it in the oven and we'll have some good food to eat when the babies are here. I'm telling you guys, we are so well looked after that all we'll have to worry about it making sure these babies get fed and are loved and that, above all, is an amazing feeling.

Gabe spent all weekend removing most of his tools in our house to make room for the babies.  Next weekend, the family is coming over to rearrange the house and to prepare for them to come home as we never know when it could happen. Hopefully not for another 8-10 weeks!!

I had another appointment this week and all babies are doing good :-).  Baby A was 1 lb 11oz, Baby B was my superstar at 1lb 13 oz and Baby C was 1lb 9 oz.  Baby C is my little guy... I think B is eating his food or something!  The doctors aren't worried about the fact that he didn't gain as much as the other ones, but I am a little bit.  Of course, they say that they don't worry from appointment to appointment because it could have been an error in measurement, maybe it was a different nurse who measures differently, etc.  But really, they are all over 1.5 lbs, which is the size singletons are at this stage, so that's good.  I'm pretty sure I measure as a full time pregnancy person now.  I feel like I doubled in size this week... My lower back is a pain in my ass!  I went to the grocery store for 10 minutes and I couldn't even walk anymore so I'm becoming more and more limited in my movements.  Gabe has finally felt the babies move!! Hurray!!  They are coming out of their shells and now the outsiders are seeing them move, which is really cool!  I feel them constantly, they are either moving, kicking or just pushing on my belly.  Sometimes, they are all pushing at the same time and I have a hard time differentiating between Braxton Hicks and just them pushing on me.   But I am certainly enjoying every moment of these miracles growing in my body... that's what it is isn't it?  I am making tiny little humans... incredible...

This week, the babies are supposed to be about the size of zucchinis, hearing more and more and apparently, starting to learn how to blink.  Cute!!

I feel like I've blown up this week! 

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