Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week 27 ~ Nesting and beginning of 3rd trimester

Well I've made it to my third trimester and according to my doctor, I'm measuring as a full term singleton pregnancy, so these next few weeks should be very interesting.  I'm getting more and more uncomfortable by the day, everything is swelling up, even my gums are swollen which is now causing bleeding when I brush my teeth.  Yes people, this is not pretty... haha... My legs cramp up very easily, most likely due to my big belly cutting off circulation to my lower extremities and I must turn over in bed about 10-15 times a night to alleviate and distribute the pain.  I pee 2 - 3 times a night, which is not too bad considering the amount of water I drink...  I can't walk without waddling and my back hurts after 5 minutes of standing up... so yeah, you can say as uncomfortable as a woman in the last stage of her pregnancy.  I, hopefully, still have at least 5 weeks to go, but no more than 10 weeks.  I hope I can last as long as I can so that my babies can come home with me and not have to spend any time in the NICU but who knows?  All I know is that everything is going great so far so I'm hoping it keeps going that way.  My blood pressure is still doing great, so that's good.  I did have a bad sugar test, it showed that I was a little over the blood sugar limit and may be at risk of gestational diabetes (a special diabetes that normally goes away after the babies are born).  I have to go for another test tomorrow to see if it was just a bad test or if I'll have to take measures to correct it. Correcting it normally only requires a change in diet and not insulin (let's hope!).  So I have to go to the blood clinic tomorrow morning (as I have to fast for 8 hours prior), they take a blood test, give me a super sugary drink, wait an hour before they test me again, give me another drink, wait yet another hour and do a final blood test.  So two hours of sitting in a blood clinic waiting room when even sitting on my couch is uncomfortable... I can't wait!!

On Monday this week, my mom and sister came over and we had a cook-off day so that we'd have meals ready to go in the oven when the babies are here because God knows, eating will not be a priority and we would have had a lot of cereal I'm sure!  So here's a picture of what we made:

Lasagnas, Sheppard's Pies, Egg Rolls, Spaghetti.... Good stuff
We had a good time and finished the day with the whole family around that table enjoying some of the fruits of our labour for our Thanksgiving dinner.  Lots of laughs, love and gratefulness...

Yesterday, my in-laws and my sister and her hubby came over to help us start organise the house for the arrival of the babies.  One of the cribs, the changing table, and the closet organiser was all set up in the babies' room by the men.  The re-organisation of the living room and the cleaning up of random junk was handled by the ladies.  The house still looks like a tornado went through it, but little by little we are getting it all ready.  I'm finding it difficult sitting down and directing people as to what to do because being the control freak that I am, I would want to do it all myself, but my sister and mother in law were really thoughtful and were making sure that I was involved in the organising.  My mother is coming over this week and will be helping me continue to get the baby room ready.... can't wait to see it all come together.  My mother came over this morning to see the progress we made and I found her crying in the baby room... When I asked her what was wrong, she looked at me and said that seeing it all come together was making it so much more real... and then we had a little crying moment together, it was sweet...  It IS becoming more real and they'll be here so soon!! The nervousness is slowly ebbing away and making room for my anxiousness to meet them!!  Not too soon though!!!  Stay in my tummy babies, you still need to grow and develop those lungs!!!!

Here is some of what we did:

Living room coming together... Almost no room for Roxy... :(

Baby room coming together....
And here's my very pregnant self:
54" around

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