The boys had their Christmas concert on Monday. Really I should have said that we went to watch Samuel sing with his friends on Monday because my other two sons, who normally love singing and dancing, were the only two NOT singing and dancing. Jacob was sitting on his daycare worker's lap wondering why he couldn't come see us when we were clearly in the audience and Zachary was sitting in wonder with his fingers in his mouth the whole time. Oh well, it was still cute. Samuel was a rock star with his jingle bells!
Tuesday I had a snow day and I didn't stop for a minute. I also finished our pinterest inspired Christmas decoration that we made to hang our stockings on since we don't have a mantel. I think it turned out pretty awesome.
We are still having a hard time with Jacob and his sleep... He woke up at around 4:15 a few times this week and it's really crappy because it's almost late enough for him to think it's morning and for our bodies to not want to go back to sleep but at the same time, it's a whole hour that I could still be sleeping for... The first morning (Thursday I think it was) Gab went to get him and had to get Samuel at the same time because there was no way he was staying if Jacob wasn't. On Friday we decided to let him cry because all the research I've read tells me to treat a way too early wake up call the same way I would treat a middle of the night wake up. He is some persistent that little bugger! He cried until we went to get him at 5:30 and made a big deal about it being morning and etc.
I left on Friday night to go spend some time in Halifax with some friends and I was nervous because I was leaving Gab alone for a whole two nights. I left after the boys went to bed on Friday and I was back today (Sunday) just in time to try to get them all down for their naps they didn't want to take. Here is Gab's breakdown of how his weekend went:
Saturday I get a 5am wake up call from you know who. He cried for 20 minutes then stopped (phew!). Second wake up call from you (the wife) at 7:11. (MC --> how was I to know they were still sleeping?!?).
Breakfast Saturday morning, Sam was sitting on me. Jacob drops his yogurt on the floor. I go down to pick it up and there's a puddle of water on the's huge... somehow Sam peed all over the floor?!? on himself and consequently on me... weird. Jacob gracefully fell out of his chair. It was like a bad comedy. Ha. Sam's little penis was out the top of his diaper so he was soaked hence the reason for the floor and me being full of pee. I went to give him a bath. Search all over for the drain plug, finally bathe him, get him out and Pépère takes Jacob to pee but comes back cause he was full of poop. Clean him up and we had 3 bottomless babies roaming around. Ha. (MC --> I don't understand where, why and how Zachary ended up with no diaper??). Spent some of the morning watching baby bum. We then went to the mall with Pépère. We let them walk alone while holding our hand. How long were they good little boys you think? About 10-15 minutes....from sobeys to sears. Then they started testing the limits. We carried them back most of the way. Went to Sobeys and bought some bananas to keep them happy long enough to get some groceries.
Sunday Jacob woke up at 415 again. Cried hard for 5 to 10 minutes then stopped. I on the other hand didn't sleep after that. They slept great! When I went in to get them at 7:45, Jacob was still passed out with his face in his mattress.
Went for another walk in the mall. Some lady walking towards us jokingly opened her arms to pretend to block the way. Jacob thought she was inviting him for a hug and walked over with a confused look as to who this woman was asking for a hug....and he hugged her knees... little buddy!!
This morning I took the TV remote from Jacob and he was very upset that I took it from him. So he pinched my arm 3 or 4 times very angry and I told him not to pinch and he kept on doing it so I gave him a little pinch back and said not to do it that it hurts. It really broke his little heart. About 10 minutes later he proceeds to tell Mémère that I pinched him and it hurt and he's pinching himself showing how I pinched and almost crying because I hurt him. Then Mémère asked if he had pinched me and he paused in reluctantly gave her a hug.
Saturday nap was crap, they slept for maybe an hour... Sunday nap, Sam noticed right away the new camera we put in the place of the old broken one. He looked it and pointed out to me. Then pointed it out to the others....they proceeded to dance and jump for 20 minutes.. then cried for a while.
This is when I (back to MC) get back home and none of the boys are sleeping. Jacob was crying for his dodo that Gab gave him back twice and he keeps throwing it out of his crib. I tried sitting beside his crib and it seemed to be working for him but the other two just kept looking at me and telling me stories (they hadn't seen me in 1.5 days, they had a lot to say... not really, it was mostly Hi Maman! over and over again). I decided to leave and let them figure it out and within 10 minutes Sam and Zachary were laying down asleep and it took Jacob about 30 minutes but he finally gave in. Of course not even an hour later Sam wakes up, seemingly all rested and calling my name to get help him with his socks... so of course he wakes up Jacob who has had enough. Zachary slept for about an hour longer. We hung out, watched some Food Network Holiday cooking specials, played some hockey, played with some balls, played farm and tag and to bed they went. I will not be far behind! My weekend was crazy busy but crazy fun! I don't often get so spend quality time with these friends and it was amazing to be able to do so this weekend but I really did miss my family. Ainslie picked me up on Friday night and I'm glad she did because we had a good 2.5 hours of quality talking time which I knew we wouldn't really get once the day got started on Saturday. She is one of those friends that I've now known for 13 years and even if we don't talk for months, the moment we do, it's like we were never apart except for the shit tonne of things we have to talk about. The drive took no time at all because we didn't shut up the whole way. It was great to catch up, it was amazing to see her siblings and parents who always welcome me into their home with open arms no matter what and it was amazing to be back into a city that will always have a piece of my heart. I can't lie, I was really happy to be back home and my king size bed will surely rival the small (although surprisingly super comfortable) cot I slept on for two nights!
I wanted to take a small moment to ask you all to pray, send positive vibes or whatever it is you do for my friend who was admitted to the hospital at 34 weeks pregnant. We are hoping her little baby boy keeps growing for at least another week to get her to 35 weeks. Although from a preemie mom's perspective, 35 weeks isn't too stressful, it is a scary situation when you know that you will deliver 5 to 6 weeks before you expected to. Keep her and her baby in your thoughts please.
Before we get to the pics, here's a link to the newest videos I've uploaded. One is Sam singing the alphabet in a mix of English and French and Jacob wanting to be part of the show but only able to sing ABCD, ABCD... so freaking cute! The second is to show what happens when a particular part of their show comes on...
Ok pics...
Coming in to the gym for their concert |
This is when Zachary noticed us |
This is when Jacob noticed us |
The boys coming back in to see Santa |
Sam was intrigued but was the first child in all of the daycare to walk up to Santa without any prompt. |
Zachary wasn't too sure. There are no pics of Jacob because there was no getting Jacob remotely close to Santa. |
This is the Pinterest inspired stocking holder we made. Gab build and spray painted, I painted the letter and tried to put the hooks in (Gab had to fix my mistakes... which weren't really mistakes, just annoying cheap screws that I stripped). |
His little forehead is getting better... |
Their new favorite thing... hockey in the hallway |
One of the only picture I received this weekend |
The boys running around in the mall |
I went to take a picture of my old stomping grounds in Hali... |
Starting Saturday with some mimosas |
Then getting a wonderful chocolate mud mask |
Another picture I received was of the contraption Gab used to try to fix my cheap boots |
This was the first picture I got from my husband... I didn't even ask |
Randi!!!!!!!! |
With Randi and Ainslie |
Katie and Tara with the sommelier who came to give us a wine tasting |
Yummy |
Our table for our wonderful dinner |
Can you tell we had fun? |
Our new camera! I can see our boys from my phone remotely! It's so cool! This is a pic I sent to Gab of them finally sleeping after I shooed him away for a while so he could have a break. |
Playing with the couch cushions |
Next week Christmas will have gone by so I want to take this time to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Holiday Season. I can't wait to see the excitement on the boys' faces when they see all their gifts and stockings.
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