Firstly let me say THANK YOU so much for your support of my sister. She was so overwhelmed with the messages of love and support that she needed to unplug for a day to let it all sink in. Like I mentioned, she is a very private person and the blog just blew up her world for a few days. She is very thankful to all of you (there are 1700 people who have read the blog!!!!) and she is confident that she has helped at least one person and for that, she's happy to have made the decision to let me share. One of her friends even messaged her to tell her that her story gave her a wake up call, she realized that although 38 is young, no one is immune. So thank you thank you thank you for your shares, for your love, for your thoughts and prayers, every ounce of positive energy sent her way is what will keep us all going, especially her. If you're wondering how she's doing, please know that she's home recovering really well. She is strong and healthy and that part of her is fighting this evil like nobody's business (must have been all that kickboxing you did sis!). I'll keep you updated on her as much as she'll allow. For now, just keep sending her all your positivity and pray for good news.
I'm sure you're also wondering what kind of adventures the boys have been getting into right? Well not much honestly... lol. We took a trip to the ER with poor Sam who not only had breathing issues, but added an ear infection to this, so we had quite a sick little boy on our hands. The other two's nose have been leaking like faucets for the last two weeks but I guess that's "WELCOME TO DAYCARE" days! They are adjusting to daycare quite well, hardly ever crying when we drop them off which is great. We found that they are getting so used to the daycare schedule that the home schedule is all messed up now. Last weekend was so rough on naps! We actually tried to put them down three times both days and they were still sooooo tired so this weekend we tried adapting to the daycare schedule... which means ONE NAP!! EEEEKKK!!! I have no idea what they do all morning to keep them occupied so they don't fall asleep! We went for a visit at my sister's and we left at 10 because the boys could hardly keep their eyes open. They fell asleep right away in their car seats on the drive home and THIS morning, we all went grocery shopping and the moment we got back in the car after, they were OUT! Maybe they sneak in cat naps at daycare when the workers aren't looking?? Anyways, it wasn't that bad, they slept in the van, had their little cat nap to get them to their real nap and slept about two hours both days. This schedule throws us off too because we were used to having "us" time for at least an hour in the morning and we've lost that so now we have to get all our "us" stuff done in their afternoon nap. I realize how that sounds but get your mind of the gutter, I meant getting my Jamberry stuff done (new catalogue btw!!!
New Catalogue) and Gabe's trips to various man stores. Although we're losing an hour for our stuff in the morning, we're actually happy because we're gaining a whole morning with them where we can actually go out and do stuff. Now that their afternoon nap is also earlier, they get up earlier which also opens up outside activity time in the afternoon. We were able to go for a walk today with the boys in their little sleighs and it was so much fun! It's also nice that the weather is getting better! It's annoying that it takes 20 minutes to get them ready and out the door but once we're where we're going, it's great. I was looking at all the fun March Break activities this week and it gets me excited for when the boys are older and semi self-aware that I'll be able to bring them places and have fun with them. This week, for selfish and routine reasons, the boys will be going to daycare. Judge me if you must but first of all, if you've been following my blog, you know that routine and procedures are what keeps my boys in line and so I don't want to disrupt something they only started getting used to a little while ago. Secondly, we pay for it, we pay a LOT for it. And lastly, I will also get to enjoy some time for me, some time to get ready for the Moncton Multiples consignment sale, time to spend with my sister, and time to clean.
Here are some pics!
So many stairs to climb at Sondra's house!! Don't give up boys!! |
We are trying to let them use spoons... |
It's going great |
Sorry so blurry... Zachary's new walking stick (better for our backs!) |
Nothing much cuter than a sleeping baby... we hated to wake him up but routine made us do it. |
New "twin made into triplet" sled. They actually stayed in without being strapped in! |
Sam's snowpants make him look like he's got huge legs! |
Mr. Puffy man |
He hardly ever lets go of his new dodo and thumb now... this is new |
Watching Cars with the boys |
I should say, "Daddy is watching Cars" |
Did I tell you about this kitchen?? My secret triplet momma sister sent it to me in the mail!!! WHAT the WHAT?? Thanks SS! |
They are starting to play so well together, sometimes even laughing together, it's so cute. Unless they're biting or hitting... no so cute. |
I was playing around with the camera and it decided to highlight just the yellow parts |
This shirt looks so good on Zachary |
Happy Sam |
They love the "find the Cheerio" game! They're even finding random ones on each other's bums once in a while... |
Rub a dub dub three monkeys in a tub! They love bath time! |
Another pic from our book club ladies and their family brunch play date we had at Sondra's. So much fun! Can you believe that when we started our book club, there was one child, now there are 17 with an 18th (and maybe more, hopefully not mine though) on the way! |
Have a good week y'all, and thanks again for all your support for my sister and myself. <3
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