Sunday, May 24, 2015

Get er' done

Don't worry about your weight!  You had TRIPLETS for goodness sakes!  You look fantastic!  When is that going to stop being an excuse?  They're 18 months old... that means I had them 1.5 years ago, more than enough time to lose AT LEAST the weight I put on while I carried them!  I am officially heavier than my husband and I'm just not ok with that.  I want to be there for my children for as long as I can and being at an unhealthy weight (due to my very troublesome food addiction) is going to put me in the grave way before I'm supposed to.  I don't want to end up with diabetes or have a heart attack just because I was a glutton.  Now don't start sending me your weight loss tips and tricks... I could write a book about weight loss.  I could (and have) coach someone on the best way to lose weight.  I've also done it before.  There's no special diet, trick or magic pill... the magic comes with nutrition and exercise.  Gabe and I have made a vow to exercise at least 30 mins a day for 100 days.  Life happens and we've missed 2 days but we're back on the wagon tonight.  I will be going for a walk after I post this blog.  My mom friends and I have also formed a walking club where we'll meet once a week and go for an hour's walk.  I have to start by walking because anything else could mess up my feet even more than they have and my hips and my knees and so on and so on...  My future plan is to become a fitness instructor for a Zumba type class or a cardio kickboxing type class.  I have been super healthy and fit in the past and I miss that person.  That is the person I want my boys to have in their lives.  Not the mom who can't even stay standing for more than 5 minutes before becoming restless and needing to sit down.  Not the mom who will feed them a nutritious lunch but eat unhealthy food in their face.  I want to be a model for a healthy lifestyle so they can form good habits and not end up like me or their dad.  I want them to have a healthy relationship with food.  I'm not saying I want to become a super health nut but I want to show them that the normal is healthy and special occasions may require a bit of fun because let's face it, who wants to eat a salad at Christmas??  I hope that during the next year you see me develop into a better, healthier version of myself.  I started my new journey on May 4th (I called it May the Fourth be with Me).  My food is starting to become under control (not perfect, I'm still a pig when the situation presents itself) but it's better and I've started walking quite regularly.  My journey is going to be long (let's face it, I'm not going to be perfect every day and I'm not the spring chicken I used to be) but I know it can be done because I've seen women much older than me lose 50 or 100 lbs.  The triplet pregnancy can no longer be an excuse and my health and my children need to be my motivation.  Boys, when you're older and read this blog, I hope you have a healthy mom who has shown you how food doesn't need to be the center of your life.  

Speaking of the boys... man oh man are they ever the cutest things ever?  Today was a rough day with a lot of crying but we still managed to have a lot of fun!  I so wish there was an enclosed park for toddlers around the city!  Maybe I should build one in my backyard and let every toddler who needs a safe space come play!  All the parks we've tried to go to are death traps for babies who are super busy and just want to go go go.  We need a parent per child and as you know, there are only two parents in this family.  It's just annoying because I feel like the boys don't get to have all the fun they could have.  Zachary today walked off a foot high ledge without knowing it was there and we were so concerned with Sam and Jacob that we didn't even see it until he was on his back crying.  We're just happy that he somehow fell on his back and not on his face!  Anyways, we ended up going to their daycare park with my friend Josée and her two daughters.  I guess a controlled baby park environment is what's missing around here.  They should have lifeguards for parks!! However since it's most likely just a parents of multiples problem, there's not enough need to warrant the building of a toddler only park... oh well, we always figure it out.  

We had my mom's 60th birthday celebration this weekend so we got to go out on Friday night to the Casino to eat at the buffet and watch some Angry Candy.  We couldn't get a seat to watch them play so we didn't hang around too long but we still got to enjoy each other and some of the music.  On Saturday, the celebrations continued with lobster, steak, bacon wrapped scallops, etc. at my mom's place.  Can you say yummy?  (that was one of the times where glutton came out to play).  It was yet another great family weekend that I wouldn't change for the world.  I hope you all had a great weekend too!

Enjoy the pics! 

This is Grace.  She was just diagnosed with ALL, a type of leukemia.  Please keep her and her family in your thoughts.  She is a fellow triplet mom from the states.  #teamgrace
Happy Birthday mom

We love you! 

My inspiration

The girls

We went to see the trucks in Dieppe but it was super cold and the boys were more interested in the balloons than the trucks and they were scared of the mascot... so we went in the market instead. 

This is the boxes of clothes that the random stranger gave us

Jacob seemed to like them! 

I had a Jamberry party on Thursday night and Kelly, the hostess, had the book the company was named after!!

The boys were supposed to give me those flowers...

How cute though right?

I only ended up with one, they ate/destroyed the others

The boys playing at they daycare park

They love it

What's on my chin you ask?  I don't know but it got there because I was having fun! 

Zachary kept dipping his fingers in the water table and sucking on them... it was too cute

And then he figured out that he could get way more water in his mouth (and incidentally all over himself) if he used a cup

We tried to do an 18 month photoshoot... 

It didn't go so well

at all...

Sam and Papa playing cards.  His favorite game was 52 pick up!

My boys, the artists

They got more on their bodies and on the floor than on the page but they had some fun.  Zachary sneezed at one point and it all came out red because he had been putting his red marker in his mouth! 

Showing it off
Tomorrow is a new day folks, let's make it a good one!  I will update my weight loss journey on my blog every week and hopefully that will hold me accountable to you 200+ people who read every week!  Again, please don't give me tips and tricks, I know them all, I just need to do this at my own pace and in my own way.  I'll get it done, I always do... xox

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