Sunday, May 10, 2015

What motherhood has taught me so far...

How has being a mother changed me?  I'm more patient than I used to be, I've realized that everything in toddler world is either in super slow motion or as fast as speedy gonzales.  If I can't figure out how to change a diaper in 2.5 seconds, it's over, I have a little writhing body under me trying to wiggle its little poopy bum from my grip but when it comes to getting them ready to go out we have to do it in stages.  Put three little pairs of sneakers on, let them play and roam, put their coats on, let them play and roam some more and right before they walk out the door, put on their tuques (which thankfully are no longer needed!).  How else has it changed me?  I've realized that having had them later in life and being used to having me time as much as I want, it's hard to let go of it.  I still often crave alone time.  I was telling Gabe when he inquired as to what I may want for Mother's Day, that what I truly would want (had we had money and nannies), is a full night and day in a fancy hotel all by myself with Netflix, wine and room service at my mercy with a spa afternoon thrown in.  Well, I got my wine and that's about it, and breakfast made for me :).  My day was no different than it normally is and hopefully I'll be able to be more relaxed when the boys are older.  I've also learned what used to be important in my life, mostly at work, isn't so much anymore.  There used to be this constant colleague war at work and it used to really get to me and now I just don't care.  I figure the people who like me will like me and those who don't, well they don't know me... lol, I'm good people!!  I also care less about what the students think of me or what they say to me.  I used to let a lot of that stuff get to me and bring it home and think about it all the time and now I'm mostly like "Meh! This teenager will not ruin my day".  I think I've finally realized that I'm the adult and it is what it is.  I still care a lot about my students but not too much so that I want them all to love me at whatever cost.  I've also become a bit less selfish because it's mostly all about the boys now.  I also stand my ground more than I would have in the past and not try to change my life/routine to please someone else's.  My boys are on a strict routine and we rarely let that routine waver.  This is why my boys rock at sleeping for the most part.  This is also why I always get the comments "Wow! Look at them, they're so quiet and well behaved".  Well that's because my boys sleep when they need to sleep and are in bed rarely later than 6:30.  Zachary got a chair pushed down on top of him and on his face tonight right before bed time so he got to stay up and cuddle a little longer than his brothers.  I've also learned that Momma Bear exists in me.  She came out the moment I saw those boys and although in hibernation at the moment, she's quick on the draw when it comes to the health and wellness of our boys.  I've also learned that my gut it mostly always right.  There is no manual that came with the boys that said "How to raise Zachary, Samuel and Jacob: a Step by Step Guide" annexed with troubleshooting options!  I quickly learned that following my instincts mostly always led me in the right path.  There are so many people out there with so many different opinions about how they feel I should raise the boys.  There are those who probably still judge me for things like choosing to formula feed or for doing the CIO method.  I wonder if THEY got a book when they became mothers...  Motherhood has also taught me that I'm not as disgusted by poop or puke as I thought I would be.  I also learned of unbelievable fear of something happening to one of them and knowing that nothing could ever bring me back from that (I try not to think of this though!).  I've learned how much more my heart could hold.  Just looking at them makes my heart swell and I sometimes cry just looking at them just for the love that comes out of me for them.  Mostly, motherhood has helped me gain a new appreciation for my own mother.  I never understood the level of love and devotion she must have had throughout our lives.  I get mad at myself sometimes for the things I put her through, on purpose sometimes, because she must have been so upset and sad.  I get it mom, and I'm sorry... My love for you grew so much the moment I became a mom because I just get it... finally... you rock Maman!   I'm sure I'm not done changing, but I do know that I am not the same woman I was pre-babies.  
I want to wish all the moms in my life a very Happy Mother's Day.  I wouldn't have made it without some of you (you know who you are) and I can't wait to continue sharing my motherhood with you all! 

Here are some pics:

Having some jam on toast and the smoothie they love so much!

I'm no sure he's eating the toast...

I'm pretty sure he was just licking it... 

How cute is he?!?

He loves this play kitchen soooo much! 

Samuel wanted to wear his boots.  Good look eh? 

Finally getting to play with their water table that they got for Christmas from Matante Cindy and Oncle Eric... Merci!! They love it! 

He's trying to climb the fence

Gabe will be adding extra spindles to make sure the boys don't fall through.  

Samuel and Papa reading a book

Jacob wanted in on the book action.  I don't know if Sam knows he's reading his "Me Mou" (Mickey Mouse) book upside down... 

Trying some hats on at Carter's.  Do you like?

We went to see the fish at Pet Smart. 

The boys and their new toy tractor at Mamie's and Papy's house

Zachary cuddling with Papa tonight after his nasty fall which included a nose bleed!  Poor little dude! 

Cheers to all the Mother's out there.  Drinking my gift! 

Me and my three little musketeers! 

Have a good week everyone! 

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