Last week was such a busy week! I'm hoping to breathe a little more this week... Last Monday I traveled with my sister and brother in law to attend my mémère's wake and funeral. We came home on Tuesday after the funeral so it was a quick trip. I left the boys with my hubby because I just didn't want my mémère's final goodbye to be the triplet show. I also wanted to be able to grieve properly with my family. Gabe did good with the boys all on his own if you're wondering. My always amazing in-laws were on hand of course. I came home to boys who didn't even seem to have missed me one bit lol. As sad as the trip was, it was nice to see my maternal family. I don't get to see them very often and it just makes me realize how awesome they are. The saddest part was seeing my aunts and uncle grieving the loss of their mom after having grieved for their sister not a month before. Between my sister's diagnostic, the loss of her sister and now her mother, my mom has had a rough year so far. I'm hoping the last 5 months bring more happy news in her life. When I told her just that, she asked if I were pregnant. I laughed but deep inside I almost wish I were! I keep seeing my triplet mom friends being pregnant again and I'm actually a little jealous... Maybe I've already forgotten how rough my first year was? Maybe I'll do some light reading and remind myself through this blog how I don't want another baby! Besides, the money just isn't there even if we were crazy enough to want another!
On Thursday night I had to say yet another goodbye (she'd rather I say "see you later"). My co-worker Darla is leaving our amazing province to go back to her Saskatchewan home. She was one of the unfortunate AMAZING teachers who got screwed by the province's decision to cut. Our school will be a little less educated for the loss of her. I'll miss her dearly and I was glad to be able to go have a night out with her. My heart is sad but I know Facebook will keep us close!
Saturday we drove to Rogersville for my father in law's family reunion to show off the boys. They had a great time running around the restaurant with balloons. They were the talk of the room. We changed them into their PJs and headed back home in the rain. Zachary was not having a good moment (he was crying uncontrollably) so I got Gabe to pull over in the pouring rain so I could go sit with him. This didn't just require a simple change of seating, we had to run to the back of the van, I hopped in and he had to bring the stow and go seat back up while getting soaked! Zachary was soothed almost right away so that was nice. We've taken to sit in the back of the van where we have the view of all three babies when they're cranky, need extra love (like Zachary did) or when we don't want them to sleep after a morning at the park! We normally sit back there and sing random kid songs until we get home. My brother in law doesn't sing so when he was on deck, he just made random faces/noises/hand shakes and it kept them entertained. If they fall asleep, even for 5 minutes, it can ruin the whole afternoon nap and trust me, we need them to nap! They hadn't been napping well last week so we don't want anything else to mess with that!
After we got back from Rogersville and put the kids to bed, I went to my friend Erika's bachelorette party. I was the oldest one there and felt it. Every girl there was wearing a super cute little black dress (I'm so old I didn't even know this was a requirement for a bachelorette party). I showed up in jogger leggings and a tank top. They were super tan and made up, hair down ready to party... and I was... let's just say NOT. Oh well, I still had a good time, made some new acquaintances and took my first limo ride. I had to drive home later and had to get up early to tend to my litter so I didn't get into too much of the drink but the white wine was flowing and the ladies were loving life. My friend Josée had the limo party going with her awesome DJ skills and all I saw were smiles on the bride to be so I KNOW she won't forget her night.
Best moment of the week? WE FOUND A PARK FOR THE BOYS!!! The Dieppe Rotary park is DA BOMB DIGGATY Y'ALL!!! Most of the ground is made of re-purposed rubber so it's super soft. There is only ONE play structure that the boys are a little too little for and there's a splash pad right there. The park is mostly surrounded by a gate or the woods and we were able to manage and watch the boys go crazy with even just two of us. First time we went was with my sister and brother in law so there were three of us and that was perfect and we were able to relax a little. I've gone back three times since... that's how much I love that park! I've been searching for a good play park for the boys for MONTHS! I shouldn't advertise it too much because the amount of people who go is manageable. The amount of people at Centennial Park is crazy and I would lose my boys within seconds. It may seem trivial to most of you but the fact that I've found what I've been looking for and the boys love it is going to make August that much better! I'll probably go back every day I have the boys so if you want to join the fun, we'd love to see you there! We've already had one play date! It's hard to have adult interaction when you're watching your littles but we managed a few!
A bit about the boys... we've seen Samuel and Jacob dance before and Zachary was always a little bit more reserved about his dance moves. He was more of the bob your head kind of dancer but this morning, he gave us a show! His arms were flailing and his hips were swaying and his head was shaking. It was amazing! He was so funny we laughed until we cried. I so wish I had a video to show you all but we were enjoying the moment too much. Samuel has been having a few rough days, not eating much of his lunch or supper (even refused CORN! Not like him...) He also didn't nap well at all last week, like 45 minutes not well. Although this weekend it was much better so I'm hoping he's just going through something, maybe a growth spurt? Jacob? Well he's being his regular clown self. As we were driving home the other day, we were listening to Avicii's "Hey Brother" and I swear Jacob was trying to sing along. We must have listened to it like 6-8 times in a row they loved it so much.
So I've talked about my weight before and I'm not going to bore you all about it all over again because this blog is supposed to be about my children but sometimes I like to take some time to talk about me... well the update isn't a good one.... I SUCK! However, Gabe and I have decided to start a program (SFL) TOGETHER! That's the key isn't it? To have your partner in life be your partner in weight loss? We might want to kill each other at times and our hunger and want of the bad stuff might make it worse but if we don't do it now, when will we? When the boys are 5 and are already picking up our bad habits? I looked at their food day the other week and they had nothing but beige... this made me sad. I don't want to deprive my children of the amazingness of food but I also don't want them to be obese at 3 (we've seen those kids and unless it's a medical condition it's totally THE PARENTS' FAULT!!!). Day one was today and it was rough but we made it through. My stomach is screaming for the wings I ate last night and the bread I saw my boys eat today but I just choose to pretend that it's my dying fat cells are the ones screaming. This will be a tough week, especially with my brother's wedding in PEI coming up this weekend but we have to power through!
Alright, enough about me... here are some pictures:
Beautiful Campellton. We were in a hotel room, I had whole bed to myself and I was able to sleep in. Did I sleep well? Yes! Did I sleep in? Nope! 6am wide awake!! Booooo... |
Sugarloaf Hill in Campbellton |
Samuel enjoying the sing songs of Little Baby Bum (another musical gem we found on YouTube) |
Zachary snacking on his feet and beautiful Jacob reading in the sun light. |
Gabe all decked out to go spray the paper wasp nest. I got stung earlier that day (my first sting) and they needed to vacate! |
Beautiful Darla. I'll miss you darling! |
More of my awesome co-workers having a night out with us |
She'll also miss NB |
My beautiful niece showing off her face paint |
The boys are loving playing with the hose |
All dressed the same... doesn't happen often but how cute are they?? |
At the Babineau family reunion having fun with balloons. |
My sad little buddy. He held my hand the whole way home... **heart melts** |
Playing guitar with Papa |
Our newfound park! |
Having a snack between playtimes. |
Driving the car |
Gabe and I's BEFORE pic... it'll be a hard road but I promise we'll show you a skinnier AFTER |
Little baby bums watching little baby bums :) |
Have a good week everyone!
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