Sunday, August 23, 2015

New words and somersaults!

The boys are developing their speech more and more lately and it's amazing to see.  Since their learning is equally English and French, their words are all mixed up but they understand both languages perfectly and that is something I am so proud of!  I was really scared to send them to an English daycare because it's so easy to be absorbed by English here in Moncton with all the TV shows, the radio, the people, etc but they are doing amazing.  (p.s., I'm not starting an English vs. French debate here because in my head, you'll always lose).  My children are little language sponges and repeating everything.  Jacob's new thing is: What happened?  Although he says is more like: "Pup Pappened"... And he says it ALL THE TIME for EVERYTHING!  Even if it that sentence has no meaning in the situation, it's always Pup Pappened?  Of course, I told this to my family who listened for it all afternoon and he said it ONCE and no one heard him.  The moment we step into the house, he says it, I kid you not, ten times in a row!  He's like that Disney frog that only ever sang when there was no one around pissing off the owner who was trying to make money out of this singing frog!

Jacob and Zachary are finally starting to be able to say a version of Sam's name... they have a really hard time with words that begin with "S" so SAM is very difficult.  So for Jacob, Sam's name is Nam and for Zachary, Sam's name is Ham... it's a start!  They are starting to name things out of books and if they can't name them they repeat them.  Their understanding is great and that combined with the little bit of sign language we've taught them is making our communication a little better.   I can't lie though, the terrible twos are lurking... this past week has been rough after daycare.  I blame it mostly on the heat and the fact that they're out of their get-home-and-go-for-a-walk-with-pépère routine.  I also blame the heat for making them listless and sleepy.  There were many comical "ludicrous reasons why my child is crying" moments.  There were many a tantrums thrown over very silly things and a lot of separation anxiety freak outs.   Our weekend was also rough but we had a good time nonetheless.  We were able to get the kids to watch 5.2 minutes of a movie on Saturday afternoon.  We don't often revert to TV for entertainment because when they are being reasonable tiny humans, we can entertain them with music, blocks, balls, cars or a fun game of chase and tickle but this week the TV got a lot of miles.  Their current favorite is Little Baby Bum ( which is just a bunch of nursery rhymes, so we still have the music aspect to it.  The Netflix movie we had tried to watch on Saturday was The Book of Life... I still don't know who won but I'm pretty sure it wasn't Channing Tatum which is sad for the leading lady... Anyways, as much as we try hard to be a screen free family (we're not there as a couple yet but when the kids are around we try super hard), this week did us in so Boob Tube Entertainment was key.

Gabe stayed home with me on Monday as it was our two year anniversary.  We shipped the boys to daycare and went out for breakfast.  Since we are still on our cleansing diet, we decided that breakfast was our best bet to try to stick to our diet since we were allowed eggs and bacon a few mornings a week.  As a small anniversary treat, we allowed ourselves one piece of toast and a few hash browns on top of our allowed eggs and bacon.  Exciting right?  After breakfast we went shopping a little and then found out we had a visit for the apartment scheduled for the same evening.  We therefore came home and cleaned for two hours (fun anniversary date right?).  We then put an A/C unit in the boys' bedroom as their room was in the high twenties on Sunday night.  We were some glad we did because this week was a scorcher!  Anyways although we didn't rent the apartment that night, we had a good day together nonetheless.

Speaking of our diet, I am down 10 lbs and Gabe is down 8 lbs!  Goooooo us!!!! 

I've decided to take on a small part time gig next week for some extra money so this week was my last week off so I had to get some stuff done.  My sister and my mom came over to be super awesomely nice and help me organise my baby stuff for the Moncton Multiples Sale (Sale Details).  We separated and organized about 500 items of clothing and miscellaneous baby items.  We also printed and cut up all the price tags.  On Thursday I parked myself in front of the TV, put on some Netflix and tagged all day long.  I was able to finish putting a price tag on mostly everything, I still have a few bins of clothes to go through that I just got from my mom's place this afternoon but I'll be done soon.  My back to school shopping is all done I think... I'm sure there's something I'm missing but since we can't get into the school due to renovations, I have no idea what I need.  My budget is super limited because A) we're poor and B) the teacher's supply budget fund has been abolished.  The students are simply going to have to bring their own pencils this year (OH WHAT A TRAGEDY!!!!!).  Seriously though, there are too many families who just can't afford those simple school supplies and we as teachers (well me anyways) always make sure that all our students have at least a writing utensil and paper and those things cost money that the schools DO NOT supply for us. Have you heard of any other job where the employees have to buy their own supply??  Anyways, I love my job and I will continue to purchase stuff to help out my students no matter what, but it was nice for a few years to feel valued as an educator...  end rant!

We had a nice little surprise at Costco today!  We met another set of triplets!!  We were going through the aisles (I had one baby in one cart and Gab had the other two in his) and I noticed this woman pushing a cart with three little girls dressed identical who looked identical so immediately I looked at Gab and got all excited.  I told him that I was going to go talk to her.  I was a little apprehensive while approaching her because I always get a little annoyed when people approach me and ask questions.  Anyways, she confirms that they are indeed triplet girls at which point I inform her that I also have triplets!  That's when her whole reserved attitude changes and we immediately connect on a triplet mamma level.  She comes to meet the boys (her girls are identical and six years old - well just about six as one of the little girls informed me) and we trade stories on our pregnancy and gestation and NICU stay... it's just something that we all have in common so we can always relate.  Her girls looked amazing and so happy.  The mom didn't even look tired!  That gave me hope lol!  

Anywho, I'll start the pics with a little video we took this afternoon of Jacob doing some independent somersaults... we laughed sooooo much... little monkey!!   Here's the link :  Jacob does somersaults.

Here are the rest of the pics:

Mine and Gabe's breakfast date on our anniversary! 

My feet getting a podiatrist treatment

The Sale!!!

Let the organising begin!! 

We had a good time at the park on Saturday morning

The boys got their first ride on the ride on mower today.  They loved it! 

A picture from Samuel at daycare.  He woke up first and laid there quietly waiting and "read".

How cute?!?

My poor little monkey fell on his face at daycare on Friday morning... 

The boys' first time having cereal with milk!  They loved it!! 

They are loving the large legos. Zachary's favorite thing is pulling the towers apart with his mouth... 

Jacob goes between destroying and building

Samuel loves building them up as high as he can

I gave the boys a snack this morning and they all wanted to go sit with Papa, it was super cute

Selfie with Jacob... why is my face so red?  Damn heat! 

Gab tried to get a selfie with Sam but he kept walking away... this was the result! lol

Have a good week y'all!! xox MC

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